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  • Any mammals with scales?

    I know a pangolin has a strange scaly body and is a mammal. Are there any other mammal creatures with scales or armor adaptations?

    3 AnswersZoology9 years ago
  • Are nude drawings or sketches allowed on Facebook?

    I've looked around for this answer but I've been getting mixed answers.

    Basically, I've been sketching nude figures of men, mostly, with their genitals showing, none with pornographic intent. Would these figure drawings be allowed on Facebook or am I forced to censor them?

    2 AnswersFacebook9 years ago
  • The Count of Monte Cristo audiobooks?

    Is there only one audiobook available for The Count of Monte Cristo? I've found the LibriVox audiobook and I really hate the voices and the constant changing of voices, not to mention the changing of pronunciations. I love the Count of Monte Cristo, what I've read on my own so far, but I would prefer an audiobook to listen to so that my hands can stay free, but I'm terribly picky about the voices reading books I like. Is there any other audiobook for The Count of Monte Cristo, unabridged?

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • What caused my cat's sickness?

    About a month ago my cat had gotten sick and bloated. I was told he would be fine and he got better after a day. He got sick again but it was different this time. He was very bloated with a hard stomach, he would dry heave and try to vomit without anything coming out. I couldn't take him to the vet at the time and he seemed to be getting better since he began to move about, purr, and even was able to finally vomit, albeit was just white foam. He hasn't eaten anything nor pooped/peed and refused to drink. I woke up to find him stiff and cold in the morning and buried him. He was only 6 and I had him since he was a kitten. He's been very healthy up to this point and the only thing different was some catnip I bought to put into a stuffed toy and he had never directly eaten the catnip. He was barely sick for 24 hours. Two months ago he caught and killed a mouse but I would think he would have been sick during that time. I heard cats can get tumors and the like but it only happened, figuratively, over night.

    I heard tepid water and bad grass can get cats sick; sometimes I'll catch him drinking from a bowl soaking in the sink (but not with soap) or chew on grass when he goes outside.

    Any ideas would be very helpful, especially to avoid this in the future. He was my closest pet and I miss him dearly.

    4 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • Where to find dark satire jokes?

    I love dark satire, but I'm not a huge fan of just political cartoons, where I've found some dark satire. Johnathon Swift had amazing satire. Is there any place online that has, like, a list of heavy and dark satire jokes? I found a dead baby joke website but it got old after the first few pages.

    2 AnswersJokes & Riddles9 years ago
  • How do I properly cite song lyrics in MLA on the works cited page?

    I can only find how to cite Song Recordings, Books, Book Sections, Articles, Pamphlets, etc, but how do I properly add the citation in the Works Cited page from a CD booklet? I want to include the official lyrics writer being the author, NOT the band being the author (the CD says they are the producer). The Song Recordings citation template has a conductor and composer section, but the lyric writer did not do either of these(officially stated in the CD booklet, anyway) and I want to have the lyrics writer being the author of the lyrics. Will I have to treat it as a book section because it is on their CD Booklet? I did not want to have to do that.

    3 AnswersHomework Help10 years ago
  • Are there any 'Affably Evil' characters in novels or movies nowadays?

    I want to read more novels and watch more movies where the protagonist is the 'nice guy' and maybe even a gentleman, but is actually very evil or borderline evil. I liken something like this to maybe "Dexter", "Dorian Grey" (a movie as well the novel "The Picture of Dorian Grey"), or even Light Yagami from "Death Note".

    I would prefer to read novels with the main character being the evil nice guy, but movies are good too. I don't want shows or a television series to have to keep up with.

    1 AnswerMovies10 years ago
  • Hardcore JMetal (Japanese metal) bands?

    I've been looking for really good, hardcore Japanese bands and all I can find is:

    Dir en grey, UnsraW, The Piass, DIO - Distraught Overlord, DELUHI, and -OZ-

    Versailles doesn't count (although I do like them) as I am looking for JMetal with death vocals and screaming.

    Thank you for any suggestions!

    9 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • How do you do this fraction with exponents?

    I'm trying to study for the ACT and don't remember this particular type of problem;

    3a^4/3a^6 equals?

    I'd rather know how to do it than know the answer. Much appreciated.

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Final Fantasy 9; Vivi won't leave my party?

    I'm on disk 3, and just saved my game before entering Mt Gulug. I tried to swap out Vivi for someone else but it won't let me take him out of my party.

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Final Fantasy 9; Vivi won't leave my party?

    I'm on disk 3, and just saved my game before entering Mt Gulug. I tried to swap out Vivi for someone else but it won't let me take him out of my party.

    1 AnswerEntertaining1 decade ago
  • High-quality Custom Cosplay ?

    Any places where I can order high-quality material (NON SHINY) cosplay that also works well with leather? I want to custom order an Assassin's Creed Brotherhood Doctor costume but with good quality leather and the waxy-suit he wears, including the mask. I could probably order the needle separately.

    Thanks for any help.

    2 AnswersOther - Arts & Humanities1 decade ago
  • Why does my cat make a baa-ing sound?

    Sometimes, in the early morning when I wake up, my cat is looking out my window. Normal for any cat, however I hear him making a broken, 'baa-ing' like sound. I get his attention sometimes, and he'll just turn to me, make that sound, and look back out the window and keep doing it. This continues until I get out of bed, which I thought/think was/is just coincidence. He doesn't sound exactly like a sheep, he just makes a strange baa sound in certain weekend mornings. I guess its more like a broken up miau/meow sound.

    7 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Romanized Asian Languages?

    What are the names of romanized Asian languages? I know Japanese, romanized, is called Romaji and Chinese is Pinyin;

    I'd like to know what Russian, Korean, and Indian are called, romanized, please~ Even if you don't know what all three are called, I'd still like to know one of them! Thank you~

    1 AnswerLanguages1 decade ago
  • What tree makes these acorn-like things?

    A friend and I took apart the tentacle things and it was just a green acorn underneath >>;;; We're doing a Biology project about identifying local foliage but apparently this isn't local, it's planted. Still, it'd be nice to know what the heck it is! It has very long, deep green leaves with a tooth at the end of each vein. Slightly lighter colour on the underside...

    I know Oak trees produce acorns, so if you could actually give me some name, scientific or common, that's great. The tree, though, looks nothing like an oak...

    2 AnswersBotany1 decade ago
  • Korean, Chinese, or Japanese Boys Love dramas?

    I've seen only a few and cant remember the names right now, but can anyone suggest to me live action Shounen Ai or boyslove dramas or movies?

    The ones i remember are;

    Boys Love

    Antique Bakery

    Eternal Summer

    Formula 17

    Takumi-Kun - Soshite Harukaze ni Sasayaite

    The King and the Clown

    Moon Child (-ish...I suppose it depends on how you want to look at it, no?)

    I don't remember the other Korean dramas ><;; most in japanese...

    I already watched everything on Arrin Fantasy too; so nothing from there please.

    Still; Any suggestions and where i can watch them for free? Youtube is okay as long as ALL parts are there. And no downloads, please.

    Thank you so much for any suggestions~! <3

    10 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • What are these phrases in Korean?

    I would like to know these in Korean (slang is preferred, or imformality)

    Good Night

    Sleep Well

    Good Luck

    You too/You also

    You're Welcome

    I love you too/also

    I'd like thr romanization of the Korean words, like 'Sranaghaeyo' is supposed to be 'I love you'. Not the actual Korean characters.

    Thank you~! <3 Or more appropriately; Komawoyo~! <3

    4 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Any good anime series?

    I haven't watched any good anime series in a long time. i wont watch any magical girl, sports, or gundam series. I'd prefer shounen ai, any fantasy-type or feudal japan type but it doesn't really matter. I'd rather not have any hetero romances.

    Super gory is ok, but it can get old. Fluffy cuteness liek Hamtaro or something is ok too. I like pretty much anything. I've seen everything gundam and i don't like sports. I'm tired of magical girl. Magical boy would be nice but I know there's only like 3 series, if that, including DNAngel.

    None of these:



    Cowboy Beebop


    Dragon Ball series

    Elfen Lied




    Any gundams

    Aeon Flux


    Vampire Knight

    Chibi Vampire


    Shugo Chara


    Ramna 1/2



    Ah my goddess

    princess pricness

    samurai 7


    romeo juliet

    ergo proxy


    junjou romantica

    demon butler/black butler (dunno what it is in japanese)

    Rose of Versailles


    Melancholy of Haruhi something or other

    Lucky Star

    Hunter x Hunter

    Full metal panic

    Ghost in the Shell

    Paranoia Agent

    Yami no Matsuei/Descendants of Darkness

    Black Cat

    Black Blood Brothers

    Ouran High School Host Club

    Ninja Scroll

    Trinity Blood


    Yu yu hakusho

    wolf's rain



    Case Closed/Detective Conan

    Lupin III


    Full metal alchemist


    Devil may Cry

    Samurai Champloo


    afro samurai

    angel sanctuary

    chrono crusade



    outlaw star

    One piece

    Witch hunter robin

    Sorry, long list, but I've eitehr seen the whole series or I didn't like it.

    There's more than that i think, but I got tired of typing

    Thank you for anyone who is able to help little lifeless me xD;;;

    9 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • What bands played at the Vancouver closing ceremony?

    I know is nickleback really and other American and/orCanadian bands and that's it. Any others? I reaaaaaaly would love to know them all, so does my dad!

    1 AnswerOlympics1 decade ago
  • Vtunnel doesnt work, any other way to get past blocks?


    Just so you know.

    DeviantART and Gaiaonline are my places, not 'my year book' or 'facebook' or w/e...

    And Gaia used to be unblocked last year but its now blocked. I dont ever have any homework and when my awesome art teacher lets us get on teh comp as long as we're not looking up porn of anything he's fine but upset DevART is blocked.

    VTunnl doesnt work anymore, is there anything else?

    chatting online isnt my thing, its art updates and all that jazz since the art class has a scanner and all and I dont at home. But DevART is blocked~


    Any help, plz?

    2 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago