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I was born in Ardea more than1100 years ago and was Pope for some thirty days in 903 after the death of Pope Benedict IV (900–903). Elected while a priest, my pontificate occurred in the darkest period of papal history. I was deposed and murdered by the antipope Christopher (903–904). He was in turn executed by Pope Sergius III (904–911) the following year. These days I work in a large investment bank and spend my afternoons answering questions about business on Yahoo.

  • Explaining cancer to a child?

    My mother has been receiving treatment for cancer since 2003. She has undergone three courses of chemotherapy, but on Friday we got the news that the disease has now overtaken her liver and spread into her lungs. She has been told further treatment would have a tiny chance of success and she should concentrate on trying to enjoy the "months" she has left. My parents own a house in France, they are going down there tomorrow and she expects to die there.

    Obviously her family will be visiting and trying to make this period as easy as possible for her. My question is about my four year old son. He is going to see his granny deteriorate rapidly and eventually disappear from his life. We feel he is too young to understand the concept of death, does anyone have any advice on what (if anything) we should be saying to him?

    7 AnswersCancer1 decade ago
  • Palm T3 - freezing during Hot Synch?

    My Palm T3 suddenly started freezing a week ago during the Hot Synch process. The problem seems to be caused by virtual memory on my PC and it always freezes at the same point when it is synchronising emails using the VersaMail programme.

    I have tried reinstalling the Palm software and also increasing the virtual memory allocation on my PC but the fault is still happening. I'm running Windows XP on my PC.

    Does anyone have any suggestions on how to solve this?

    2 AnswersPDAs & Handhelds1 decade ago
  • US Law - can a UK resident make a Will enforceable in the US?

    I am a UK citizen and resident. I have an account with an online broker based in the US. I have a Will in the UK, but that will obviously not be valid under US law.

    Is there an easy way to make a US Will setting out what I want done with the assets in the brokerage account in the event of my death? I would like to avoid flying to the US to have the Will witnessed if I can!

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Best longer term investment for a small child?

    I have a 3 year old son. We have put some money into a savings account and mutual funds in his name, so that when he's older he can make a deposit on a house, buy a car, pay College Fees, etc, etc.

    Given that the money isn't going to be touched for 15 years does anyone want to suggest alternative investments that might give a better return than mutual funds? Please keep the suggestions sensible, medium risk is OK for some of the money but I don't want to have to tell my son he can't go to College because I blew the money on a business start up or golf course in the Sahara.

    5 AnswersInvesting1 decade ago
  • We're Next...?

    In a recent interview the head of the British Army (General Richard Dannatt) stated that the British Army should withdraw from Iraq.

    As the UK has clearly defected to the 'Axis Of Evil' how long will it be before before President Bush orders the Marines to take London?

    9 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • My son has started hitting other children at pre-school. Does he just want to stay at home with Mum?

    He has just had his third birthday. He gets love, plenty of playtime and rules & boundries at home. We don't tolerate any bad behaviour at home and he's generally OK (although very stubborn and has a short attention span).

    We believe it's a good school but his behaviour seems to change for the worse when he goes there. He regularly hits and scratches other children. I've watched him at school without him realising so I know they're telling the truth. We've tried everything but he doesn't seem to understand that what he's doing is wrong. He will apologise and then do it again.

    He is an only child. His vocabulary is very advanced & he seems to prefer the company of adults generally. Any suggestions folks?

    5 AnswersParenting2 decades ago