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Lv 617,722 points

* Xanthippe

Favourite answers36%

I am a middle-aged English woman living in London. I enjoy helping people on Y!A, love a stimulating discussion of opposing views, and hate intolerance and cheating. My answers are all my own original work and therefore protected by copyright. Copying and pasting from the answers of others is plagiarism and cheating - any such answers should be reported to Yahoo via the Report Abuse button. See;_ylt=AhKhrS8JDpS9nOVUOMF1NRAhBgx.;_ylv=3?qid=20090926124126AAWgelV&show=7#profile-info-pClZ6Vmgaa I have 20+ years experience of family history research in England and share my knowledge freely so that others may begin finding their ancestors and avoid the mistakes that I made in the early years. The worst is to find, further down the road, that you have wasted time and money researching the ancestors of the wrong person. Double check every piece of data you find and don't trust online family trees, many of which contain false assumptions and errors.

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