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  • How do I stop dreaming about them?

    I'm kind of in a weird situation...There was someone I knew some years ago who I really, really liked. I was pretty much obsessed with them for a couple of years, but the feelings were never mutual. Then this person unexpectedly moved away and I never saw them again (basically they became very famous) So afterwards my feelings sort of fizzled out because I never saw them apart from on TV. But for the past few months now, I've been dreaming about this person every single night. I've noticed in my dreams with them, I seem to feel extremely happy. It's so hard because they are that famous that they could crop up in every day life from time to time or on TV. I don't think about the person throughout the day or anything because I have no feelings for them (that I'm aware of) I also have a partner now who I love more than anything so I always wake up feeling extremely guilty, not because the dreams are anything sexual, (because they aren't at all) but because of what they could mean. I know I will most likely never see the person again but I want them out of my life as much as they possibly can be. I'm not dwelling on it in the day or thinking about it before I go to sleep and I always read before I go to bed. I just don't know how to stop them.

    Psychology8 years ago
  • My laptop won't open PDF files?

    When I try and open downloaded pdf files, it says windows cannot open this file...then when I try opening it with something like adobe or word, it comes up with a box that is asking me to select a language. I have tried selecting the right one or just clicking default, but it always comes up with just pages of numbers and symbols that mean nothing to me

    6 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks8 years ago
  • HELLPPP 4 pics 1 word question?

    The first pic has that paper light bulb thing above the other bits of paper, the second has a family gathered round a book, 3rd is a guy looking at an ipad or something looking surprised, and the 4th is a girl reading a book under a duvet with a torch. 5 letters, V Z L F J K D N O E N

    It's seriously driving me crazy now.

    4 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation8 years ago
  • Will CDs go out of use completely?

    just heard the news about HMV shutting down and I'm gutted. I know you can get them over the internet but it isnt the same as going into a shop and looking at them. I don't really download music cause I like getting the artwork and lyrics and actually having it in a physical form if anyone else gets that? Or am I just being old fashioned?

    5 AnswersOther - Music8 years ago
  • How long will my package take to be delivered? (ROYAL MAIL ONLY)?

    I need to send an essay from home to university and it has to be there my midday on friday, if I post it first class, what is the latest I can send it?

    2 AnswersOther - Business & Finance8 years ago
  • Will I grow to like him or should I break it off now?

    I've recently met someone really cool who I have a great time with. The thing is, he seems to like me a lot more than I like him. It's pretty fast the way we're going but I don't know if it would be better to break it off now or wait and see if I become more attached to him. The problem is he's had a lot of bad stuff happen to him recently and I really can't hurt him any more. I have done the breaking off thing a couple of times before though because I think I don't like people but it's only because I don't want to take the chance and hurt them even more later, especially with this guy.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • WTF was all that about in pirates of the Caribbean 3?

    OK, so I have several questions about this film.

    1. I know that they were using that navigation map thing to rescue jack from davey jones's locker, but why did they need to turn the boat upside down and why was there a flash of green? I thought the flash only happened when a soul returned to earth?

    2. Why were there several jack sparrows when you see him on the black pearl? Is he going mad?

    3. How did he end up there in the first place? Why didn't he just die when the cracken ate him?

    1 AnswerMovies9 years ago
  • Are Frank Iero's bird tattoos sparrows or swallows?

    Thinking of getting them myself and was just wondering which they were.

    3 AnswersBirds9 years ago
  • Ways to get rid of phobias?

    So basically I think have emetophobia (fear of being sick in public/ seeing others be sick). I've had it for as long as I can remember. It's a really horrible phobia which is more trouble than you might imagine. I try to avoid planes, buses, hospitals, theme parks or anything where there might be the possibility of people throwing up. When I am confronted with it, I have panic attacks. It's recently started interfering with my sleep because I'll wake up to dreams about my phobia panicking. I want to know if there's any way without resorting to therapy, to get rid of this fear. I'm so worried that when I have children I'm not going to be able to take care of them when they are ill.

    3 AnswersPsychology9 years ago
  • What's the difference between MCRmy gangs and street teams?

    Or are they the same thing? I'm not a member of any of the gangs yet but there's like over 200 and I heard somewhere about there being a street team? Is this just used to refer to the people who promoted them to start with or are they still around like in New Jersey? Bit confused :)

    4 AnswersRock and Pop9 years ago
  • Is this wrong or weird?

    Is it wrong to have a crush on your mum's new partner's son?

    5 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships9 years ago
  • Good brand of waterproof concealer?

    I'm going on holiday and need to buy good concealer that will cover up red scars in and out the pool. Anyone know any good makes?

    2 AnswersMakeup9 years ago
  • What would you say punk is?

    So I listen to a mix of bands. My favourite band is green day. I also love nirvana, blink 182, MCR, senses fail, the used, a day to remember, alkaline trio and the bouncing souls who all come under the 'punk' genre in itunes despite some of their sounds being very different. Would you say that there are no mainstream punk bands signed to major labels but it's out there? would you say punk is dead?

    9 AnswersRock and Pop9 years ago
  • GUYS Would you grow your hair if a girl asked you too?

    I don't like short on guys. I think it always looks better long. If a girlfriend or just a girl you liked told you to grow it, would you?

    2 AnswersHair9 years ago
  • Is it bad to change your body clock?

    I'm finished school now and have gradually started going to sleep at around 5 and sleeping until mid afternoon. A couple of years ago when I did this, my periods stopped. I know this could happen again but I was wondering if this is unhealthy or does any damage?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • When was the chamber of secrets open for slytherins on pottermore?

    It said on the insider they could explore chamber of secrets 24 hours before everyone else because they won the cup but does anyone know when the 24 hours started? I'm Gryffindor and would like to see it :)

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago