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Lv 2721 points

Holly C

Favourite answers23%
  • Can I get pictures from an SD card back?

    My SD card on my phone was showing some unsupported files, they were fine yesterday. Then suddenly 1500 photo files have vanished! Are they really gone or is there some way of getting them back?? I'm so gutted if they've gone, so many irreplaceable sentimental photos 😢

    Thanks x

    4 AnswersMobile Phones & Plans5 years ago
  • What is he saying??? the original french and the english translation please!

    please please please could somebody tell me what the character of lucien is saying in this clip?! i just cant make out or recognise the french words cus its very fast! if someone could tell me what he is actually saying in french and the english translation i would be sooo grateful!


    5 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • *Amelie* what are luciens names about mr collignon in the french film Amelie?!

    hi all, im re-asking this one... its kinda become my life mission :-)

    i had a couple of answers previously (thanks peeps) which gave the english translation of what he said... but does anyone know the EXACT french he says and the exact translation of each bit?! sorry to be so picky and so obsessed lol, but seriously... i gotta know!!!

    heres the original question:

    In the film Amelie, Lucien and Mr Dufayel are making up names about Luciens horrible boss, Mr Collignon.

    The director gives these names as 'Collignon down the john' 'Collignon big moron' 'Collignon dead and gone' in the English subtitles, but these are not the actual translation of the words Lucien says in French, as obviously the English translation of the original French version would not necessarily rhyme, hence making up English versions that do for the subtitles.

    I just can't make out what he says... does anyone pleeeease know?! It's just too quick to follow!

    If someone could tell me the French words Lucien is saying or English translation of what he says, I would be so grateful, because it's driving me mad now lol :-)

    Thanks!!! x someones gotta know!!! :-)

    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • *Amelie* what are luciens names about mr collignon in the french film Amelie?!

    In the film Amelie, Lucien and Mr Dufayel are making up names about Luciens horrible boss, Mr Collignon.

    The director gives these names as 'Collignon down the john' 'Collignon big moron' 'Collignon dead and gone' in the English subtitles, but these are not the actual translation of the words Lucien says in French, as obviously the English translation of the original French version would not necessarily rhyme, hence making up English versions that do for the subtitles.

    I just can't make out what he says... does anyone pleeeease know?! It's just too quick to follow!

    If someone could tell me the French words Lucien is saying or English translation of what he says, I would be so grateful, because it's driving me mad now lol :-)

    Thanks!!! x

    4 AnswersMovies1 decade ago