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  • cats..possible indoor flea problem?

    My cat had few flees & was always outside. We've now moved to a flat so she does not go out. She has plenty of entertainment & space & is very content. My only trouble is fleas! We have Front line but I'm now thinking she needs more. There's small blood marks all over wherever she has sat, especially the bath or window sills. She scratches still & although is perfectly happy, leaves this horrid trail of tiny small blood marks which I'm guessing is a spread of them! Taking her to vets tomorrow but wanted to know beforehand..can someone please advise?

    2 AnswersCats7 years ago
  • my cat has an injured ear..any advice?

    My oldest cat has just come in to eat & I noticed a large lump behind her ear & a bald patch from loss of fur..there's no blood but when I touched it to check, the fur around was matted & dirty. She did not seem in distress or pain however think this has been recently done at some point this evening, possibly a fight? Any recommendations of something to treat it or clean it with for now or signs to look out for before I take her to the vets tomorrow for a check up?

    3 AnswersCats7 years ago
  • Why does my goldfish appear to have developed a black discolouration on it's tail fin?

    Just the one goldfish..others previously with him got bullied & dyed. He has plenty of space, is fed well & cleaned regularly, plus seems healthy & has grown in size for the two years we've had him. Just noticed a black patch appearing on his top tail fin..any ideas..?

    1 AnswerFish8 years ago
  • My goldfish is not active at all after 2 days..?

    we use to have 3 goldfish in same large tank; one died after 3 days; the other died after few months so we are left with one who we think is a bit of a bully. 2 days ago we decided to add another goldfish to it's tank and it pushed this little new one around and would not let it eat it's food. to save any more harm coming to it, next day we bought a new tank and put the little fish in it. It's still not happy, floats around at the bottom of the tank, not swimming or eating food. I know it's just a goldfish but my daughter chose it and wants to know why it is not active; to be honest it looks half dead! will it perk up..?

    3 AnswersFish9 years ago