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Lv 731,498 points

Krazy Koala

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  • Who protects the "Human Rights of our children?

    Why is it that a convicted child abuser who prays on children in a park can still go to this park because to deny him this would infringe his “Human Right” to freedom. What a load of bollocks!! Do the children this pervert preys on have no “Human Rights”?? Then today I read of a pervert who used Facebook to groom young boys whom he then molested can continue to use social networking sites because it would “deprive him of the social traffic taken for granted by his peers” so says Judge Graham Hume Jones, he was sentenced to a 3 year community order for child sex and pornography offences, in other words a slap on the wrist. So where are these activists for the “Human Rights” of children??? Do children have no Human Rights??? If the law won’t protect them who will??? What can be done???

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture10 years ago