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Lv 620,294 points


Favourite answers89%

Hi,killer77 means :games killer and NOT people ;) ,coz i'm addicted to video games and beaten all the games i played which are countless,as for the 77 well i'll leave this for u to figure it out -I like helping people in any way i can -although i play violent games but in real life i'm peaceful -I don't mind being criticized if i gave a wrong answer and i expect the same from the others coz basically we are all here to trade knowledge -BIG BIG fan of FC. and i like AC milan and chelsea, -I'm single so volunteers are welcome ......haha just kidding ,but i'm single -and the last thing i want to add is i like to joke so please don't be offended if i answer ur question in a fanny/silly way NO DISRESPECT MEANT AT ALL :)

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