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  • Is weed the reason for my dreams?

    I've been smoking weed for 4 years now on a regular basis, but lately I'm getting REALLY messed up weird dreams. My dealer told me that it can be because of smoking weed. Is that true? I'm very confused.

    1 AnswerDream Interpretation8 years ago
  • Justin Bieber Fans! What is wrong with you people?

    So, Justin Bieber smokes weed. It's really not a big deal at all.. I still personally don't like him though.

    BUT, Why are all these fans of his trending a hash tag on twitter saying #CutForJustin. ?

    A lot of his fans are cutting themselves for him and one girl even killed herself 3 days ago.

    What the heeeelllll is wrong with you people?


    4 AnswersOther - Music8 years ago
  • Nicknames for Taylor?

    What is a nick name for the name Taylor? Anything but Tay Tay

    9 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • SCIENTISTS! Please help me with this Microscope?

    I have to do this little project on the Microscope for Bio. I need to give 5 points about it, "these points need to be informative and imporant" says my teacher. Please help? I know nothing about the microscope, and ive looked up information but its just not helping at all. I'm also not allowed to say any points about the history of the microscope. just points about the actual microscope itself.

    Please help, thankyou so much!

    1 AnswerBiology8 years ago
  • The Hunger Games Series!?

    There are 3 books in the hunger games. in each book 23 people died, and there are 12 districts.

    The Hunger Games movie came out on this date - 03/23/2012


    Is this a sign?

    3 AnswersHome Theater8 years ago
  • How to sober up after smoking a joint?

    I'm curious about you stoner people, what do you do? :)

    5 AnswersOther - Health8 years ago
  • How could I write my life story?

    I've decided that I'd like to write my life story. I would like to make my own book about it actually. I'm an excellent English student, and would like to one day become an English teacher. My story of my life is very inspirational, and I've been told many times that I've helped a lot of people become stronger by hearing what I've gone through in my life.

    Is there a website that I could get started on?

    Please help! It is much appreciated, Thankyou!

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • DOCTORS! Please Answer!?

    I've been quite suicidal, and I was contemplating suicide. I'm 16. (incase it matters). I've recently found an anti depressent that will help me though. It's called Sertraline. My question is though, will it cause any weight gain at all? I have an eating disorder, and ive refused a lot of anti depressents and medication because they cause weight gain.

    Please help me :(

    And suggest any anti depressents/medication that I can talk to my doctor about and suggest putting me on?

    1 AnswerOther - Health8 years ago
  • What are the best Christian Bands?

    I'e been Pentecostal Christian my WHOLE life, but I wasn't really practicing it. On December 7th I got saved, and ever since then i've just been craving so much music to feel more of Him.

    Basically my question is, what are some good Christian Bands? Stuff like Jesus Culture and Hillsong.

    Please Help!

    Thankyou <3

    3 AnswersOther - Music8 years ago
  • how to tell off my teacher?

    me and a friend are very tired of this woman and the way she treats us. shes always nagging us, and no one else in the class. literally no one else.

    we would like to find a way to basically just tell her that she needs to shut the fck up, and basically let her know that she just can't fck with us and that she's being annoying.


    we want into class today and literally 7 seconds later shes telling us to change our uniforms and she just starts with her random 20 questions about everything.

    how can we just "nicely" tell her off and let her know she needs to leave us alone for a bit?

    3 AnswersTeaching8 years ago
  • Depressing/Haunting love songs?

    I'm looking for some really haunting music, for a video i'm making.

    If this helps:

    -boy & girl

    -boy leaves girl

    -girl goes into hardcore depression

    -girl self harms

    -girl attempts suicide

    -girl isn't successful

    -girl goes back into extreme depression again

    that's just a short summary of really what the scene is about.

    please help.. i'm getting desperate for this music.


    This song needs to be HAUNTING & DEPRESSING!

    Please please help.

    4 AnswersOther - Music9 years ago
  • Will her name sound okay?

    I plan on marrying my boyfriend sometime, and he's brought up the name for a daughter that we both completely agree on. The name is Nevaeh. (Heaven spelt backwards).

    His last name is Rosales-Reyes, but I really don't know if I want her name to be hyphenated!

    What would sound better?

    Nevaeh Reyes?

    Nevaeh Rosales?

    Should I just keep it the way it is? Also.. What middle name would sound alright with Nevaeh?

    8 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • Depressing love songs?

    I don't want any judgment, call me emo or scene, whatever you want. I'm in a very bad place, and would like for someone to tell me the best DEPRESSING love songs. i cant find anything really intense.. so please help?

    4 AnswersOther - Music9 years ago
  • What's some of the best songs you know?

    I'm looking for really REALLY depressing music, so what's the best that you know of?

    8 AnswersOther - Music9 years ago
  • How do I tell him my feelings?

    Me and this boy have been together for a bit now. We're both in grade 11. He and I have gone through a lot of extremely bad relationships such as physical abuse, cheating, etc. We both click extremely well, and love being around each other. We can't be away from each other for more than a day. He's extremely mature for his age, which is very good for me because we both think the same way about things. We hardly ever argue, but when we do the arguments last about 3 minutes and then we apologize and it's done. We both deal with the same issues such as eating disorders, self esteem issues and depression. Although he's not as bad with depression as me. In the past week I've been trying to tell him my feelings for him, which are very strong. In fact I've fallen completely in love with him. I don't know how to tell him because I'm not sure how he feels. I don't want him to feel awkward or anything. What should I do? I'm thinking I should wait until he says it..

    Please help me :(

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • i have to write an essay on being ontime for class..?

    I was 2 minutes late to my class.. so now i have to write an essay RIGHT NOW on why it's important to be ontime for class. I really don't know what i should write. Give me some ideas? Ill give best answer!

    2 AnswersOther - Education9 years ago
  • How do I make my own website?

    I'm looking for a place where I can make my own site to give out advice. I'm 16 years old and tend to help people alot with advice, relationships etc, and would like to one day be a councillor! I thought that making an advice column would help me experience what kind of situations i would be faced with being a councillor!

    4 AnswersOther - Internet9 years ago
  • why do i keep getting called a slut, for having guy friends?

    Hi there, im Tay. Im 16 years old, and in grade 11.

    I go to an all girls school and im constantly around girls all the time. I personally hate girls, and wish i wasnt one. i only have a few girl friends, probably only 3. when im done school i go find my guy friends, and then i stay with them for the whole day. ive been a tomboy pretty much my whole life, and i plan to keep it like that.

    i dont look like a tom boy, im actually very classy. i dont hook up, or sleep around either.

    i really have no clue whats going on. i get called ugly, a whorish, and things like that.. just because i like having guy friends. it really doesnt fcking make sense on why the girls call me these names. i honestly dont know what i should do.

    this me, just incase it matters ^ xD

    2 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • How would you describe me?

    I'm a female capricorn, (January 18) but I really don't know much about them. I've looked up information about them but nothing really helps.

    Could someone give me some info on what they're like and what their personality is like? I just want to see if I'm some what like them.


    What is the best zodiac sign match for a capricorn?

    2 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago
  • Will overdosing cause you pain during the overdose?

    And what is the least harmful way to kill yourself?

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management9 years ago