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Favourite answers29%
  • Qualidade de vida = poder aquisitivo?

    Ouço muito amigos meus aí no Brasil dizendo que a qualidade de vida no Brasil melhorou porque o crédito ou alguns bens ficaram mais acessíveis.

    Ou ainda, a qualidade de vida nos EUA é boa porque pode-se comprar isso ou aquilo.

    No Brasil não é considerada fatores de qualidade de vida como: transporte público, baixa poluição, segurança, educação de qualidade, ambiente, e instituições (justiça, cidadania, direitos)?

    Quando me mudei para a Inglaterra, senti que minha qualidade de vida aumentou em 100 vezes, mas meu poder aquisitivo caiu um pouco. São as pequenas coisas do dia a dia que contam para mim como qualidade de vida.

    Mas daqui da Europa, tenho a impressão que qualidade de vida aí no Brasil é medida com cartão de crédito!

    É assim mesmo, ou só impressão minha?

    1 AnswerOutras - Governo e Política6 years ago
  • Brasil, melhor país do mundo para se viver?

    Escuto muito isso aqui na Inglaterra, entre os brasileiros que "vivem" aqui. Ou leio muito isso em blogs.

    Quem fala isso, realmente fala de coração, por convicção, consciente do que fala?

    Ou é uma forma inconsciente de "auto-consolo" por não poder sair do país e de tornar suportável sua existencia em uma sociedade como a brasileira?

    7 AnswersOutras - Sociedade e Cultura6 years ago
  • Aí no Brasil, vocês realmente acreditam que é um presidente que vai mudar o país em um ou dois mandatos?

    A maioria dos países chamados de primeiro mundo, não melhorarm (evoluíram) lentamente através das décadas (ou até séculos) e os governos foram refletindo essa evolução?

    Vocês conhecem algum país que melhorou de cima para baixo, isto é, um governante "messias" concertou o país em um mandato?

    Por que o brasileiro sempre espera que alguém tem que fazer alguma coisa (desde que não seja ele mesmo que tenha que fazer algo)?

    10 AnswersPolítica6 years ago
  • Em um regime democrático, cada povo tem o governo que merece?

    Se há a cultura generalizada de individualismo e corrupção no governo, não será porque eles apenas refletem como a sociedade é?

    Porque o eleitor que molha a mão de policiais, desrespeita leis de transito, sonega impostos, exige honestidade de quem o representa?

    1 AnswerOutras - Governo e Política6 years ago
  • Não acham anti-higienico cesto de papel e ralo com esgoto no banheiro?

    Por que aí no Brasil não é como na Europa e America do Norte: sem ralo expondo água suja e insetos no chão do banheiro e sem os nojentos cestos de papel com resíduos de fezes. Por que aí não se jogam papel usado pelo vaso sanitário?

    Depois, os europeus que são sujos...

    2 AnswersOutras - Saúde e Bem-Estar6 years ago
  • Average or small house?

    Is a 85m2 to 90m2 (861sqft to 968sqft) 3 bed semi considered small or average for south England?

    1 AnswerDecorating & Remodeling7 years ago
  • Ex council houses stigma?

    Does that stigma or snobery with ex council houses still exist? I mean 3 beds on leafy streets (like WGC, for example, where some may cost more the the private newer house).

    They seem uglier externally, but the ones I've seen are larger, more solid than the ones privately built after the 80s; at least in the Home Counties.

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate7 years ago
  • Milton Keynes (bucks) or Welwyn Garden City (herts)?

    Where do you prefer to bring up kids in terms of schools (and having to commute to London), safety, life quality: Milton Keynes (bucks) or Welwyn Garden City (herts)? Anyone who knows both places? Considering these two options only, which one offers better balance?

    1 AnswerOther - United Kingdom7 years ago
  • What to do if I was knocked off my bicycle by another cyclist?

    I was cycling on a cycle lane when suddenly another cyclist clipped me crossing the lane and hit my front wheel, knocking me off. I had several scratches, my glasses smashed, luckily, it was on my pocket.

    He insisted he didn't touch my bike and I fell off because I don't know how to cycle!

    If it were a car, I could get the license plate. But in this case, what to do if he just went away?

    I can't force him to provide his name and address. Could I have called the police in this case? Could I have retained him while the police is coming?

    5 AnswersCycling7 years ago
  • How to sell one house and choose another one in this case?

    Where I live in South Herts houses are in short supply. Few properties come to the market in the range of 300-400 and when they do, they are sold quickly.

    I am planning to move to another house in the area. If I put my property on the market and it sells in a week or two, but I haven't found the property that I am interested in, because of the low supply, how does it work?

    Has anyone been in that situation?


    6 AnswersRenting & Real Estate7 years ago
  • Wait a bit or move now?

    I bought a 3 bed semi last year. First-time buyer. Happy with the location, but I am finding the house a bit old and small, not happy with it. When I bought it last year, there weren't too many options, now there are.

    I am planning to sell this house to buy another one, up to 15% more expensive. In this case, in the current market conditions, the sooner I move, the better or the worse? I mean, my property increases value, but so do others, higher stamp duty, commissions, etc.

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate7 years ago
  • Property Chain?


    Soon I will be a "first time seller". How does the chain work? I make an offer on a house with the condition mine gets sold? What happens first?


    5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate7 years ago
  • Taxi or Train from Schönefeld to Kurfürstendamm?


    I am arriving at Schönefeld airport around 17:30 on a Monday. Although it is rush time, I would say that the busiest direction would be from the city centre to suburbs (airport included). Am I right to say that?

    With 4 people, is it worth getting a taxi to Kurfürstendamm? Any idea on how much I would expect to pay?


    3 AnswersBerlin7 years ago
  • Anyone who worked and lived in Frankfurt with no fluency in German?

    How long did you live in Frankfurt with no fluent German? If you learnt the language whilst living there, how long did you take to get to a medium level?

    I heard that is easier to learn German if you know English, because there are some similarities in the grammar.

    I know in a corporate or finance environment in Frankfurt, English is widely spoken. But how is it when you need to go to a doctor/GP, deal with an electrician or a plumber, for example? Or buy medicines or goods in a supermarket. How difficult those things are?

    How patient are the frankfurters with foreigners who do not domain the language?

    Thank you.

    2 AnswersFrankfurt7 years ago
  • Where is the main job market for information technology (business, finance) in Germany?

    I work in IT within Finance and Banking.

    Generally in most of the countries, the main market is the capital. But in Germany, for historical reasons, I don't believe it would be Berlin, but Frankfurt.

    Any thoughts? Anyone who has worked in this field in Germany?

  • Does lender valuation protect me from high offer?

    Are lender valuation based on the amount lent or on the property price?

    Say, if I pay 300 for a property borrowing 250 from the bank, would their valuation verify whether they can only get the money lent or the property's market value?

    Does the lender valuation protect the buyer from offering too much for a property in a sealed bid, for example?


    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate7 years ago
  • Poperty affordability: London vs Berlin?

    This goes for who has lived both in Berlin and London:

    In London, even if you earn a middle class, upper middle class salary, it is very likely you won't want or you cannot live in London. The chances are you will be one more commuter living in London outskirts and working in London.

    How is that for a middle class Berliner? Is it the same? How much is considered a good income for a family of three, four?


    4 AnswersLondon7 years ago
  • Property affordability: Berlin vs London?

    This goes for who has lived both in Berlin and London:

    In London, even if you earn a middle class, upper middle class salary, it is very likely you won't want or you cannot live in London. The chances are you will be one more commuter living in London outskirts and working in London.

    How is that for a middle class Berliner? Is it the same? How much is considered a good income for a family of three, four?


    3 AnswersBerlin7 years ago
  • Berlin or Munich for a first time visit in Germany?

    I am planning to visit Germany for the first time. Usually, I always visit the country I am visiting starting by its capital. However, some Germans here in the UK advised me to go to Munich first, as it is more the post card of Germany and Berlin is less touristic, does not have as much as history and architecture as Munich and so on.

    But I would like to hear from locals in a forum like this.

    Thanks in advance.

    7 AnswersBerlin7 years ago
  • Berlin or Munich for a first time visit in Germany?

    I am planning to visit Germany for the first time. Usually, I always visit the country I am visiting starting by its capital. However, some Germans here in the UK advised me to go to Munich first, as it is more the post card of Germany and Berlin is less touristic, does not have as much as history and architecture as Munich and so on.

    But I would like to hear from locals in a forum like this.

    Thanks in advance.

    4 AnswersMunich7 years ago