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Teddy Long
Question About Pokemon Egg Moves?
I had never tried anything like this before but I wanted a level 1 Aron with Endeavour on Pokemon White, so I got a male Marowak and a Female Aron and bred them.
The baby SHOULD know endeavour but only knows tackle, what's the deal with this? Does the Marowak also need to know endeavour for this to work?
Also Aron's take forever to hatch and it's annoying so if you know how to help please let me know.
3 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years agoMass Effect 3 Multiplayer. Battlefield 3 Pack?
Is this still available? It says on the Mass Effect wiki that it is no longer attainable. It's the thing where you unlock the "Battlefield 3 Soldier" on Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer. It looks cool and I really want it. It might make me buy BF3 (i'm tossing up between quite a few games) Any help is greatly Appreciated
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years agoMass effect 3 question, Would this work?
Ok so after you finish ME3 you go back to the mission where you attack the illusive man's base. I also noticed that you can laod the save where shepard is walknig to the citadel at the very end so here is my question. Could I play the Multiplayer raise my Galatic readiness and Promote characters, raising the EMS. Then go back load up that save and then get a different ending? Or do i have to do all that then do the illusive man mission then the Earth mission again for the raised EMS to take affect. Help please!
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games9 years agoHow is the Mass Effect 3 Extended Cut DLC going to work?
Ok so after the final mission you get started at the mission before the Illusive Man's base. So when you get the DLC wil you have to play through that mission and the final one AGAIN. i'd assume so. If this is the case i'l ldo some side missions and MP to get my EMS up because everyone on the Normandy died in mine due to low EMS. If any info has been released on this please let me know. Thank you
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years agoWCW/NWo Revenge Data deleted?
So i was playing this old game again. I turned it on, worked fine. Next day still going good then right before a match it was making weird sounds so i turned off the n64 and turned it back on. Then everything was gone. All my data gone. How did this happen and can i get it back?
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years agoCurrently in very bad pain?
Ok so i'm at school and my right shoulder has been hurting, near the neck area but thats not bad. Just before i shrugged my shoulders and then i had horrible pain around my left shoulder blade and it's still in pain after an hour. Moving my shoulder results in pain, carrying my books and laptop to class was a struggle. my friend suggested going to first aid but I have only 2 and a half hours left of school. The class i'm in now i have n work to do and then lunch then a class where i watch a movie. Should I go see first aid? Also what do you think happened? I got Mass Effect 3 yesterday should I play games with this injury i don't need my shoulder. What do you think about this
1 AnswerPain & Pain Management9 years agoOpinions on WS trolls?
personally I love them they are funny but what's funnier is the responses. Example
Wrestling is Fake and Gay. You guys go nuts and wrtie a long speech about how it's "Scripted" you get mad. or you are like "Go away trolls" that feeds them you morons. When they ask "Why do you like oiled up men rollnig around with each other" don't try and justify it just say "Because I'm in to that thnig, it's arousing as hell" Trolls will disappear because they'll be stumped. Also they have lives but trollnig is just so goddamn fun especially when you losers get mad and butthurt
3 AnswersWrestling9 years agoIs this a good promo?
People tell me to be a better person. How can I be better than perfection? I am the Apex of Humanity
I am told to strive to be my best. I am already my best. People Strive to be me. I am The Best
When I look it the mirror I see the reflection of perfection and It gives me an erection. I am Perfection
I am the greatest man to have ever lived. I;m better than you. Better at everyone at everything, I am John I am The Apex of Humanity!
5 AnswersWrestling9 years agoWhat Should I do with this girl?
Ok so I like this girl and as you can tell i don't know what to do. I've had "girlfirends' in Primary School but this is High School, it's a bit more serious. Anyway she's new I've known her for nearly 4 weeks.. i talk to her a bit we have a lot of classes together actually she is sitting across from me at this very moment. I have no idea what to do. Should I ask her out or what? I have a mthod, i could ask her on facebook if she says no i'll be like "oh sorry wrong person" then hopefully she'll believe me and we stay friends. because we are friends she says i'm her "straight-gay" friend. Also how can i show i like her. I try to sit near her and i find myself almost staring at her and I keep telling myself not to. I'm nervous to start conversation with her(which I shouldn't be) even something as simple as "What are you doing your essay on?" Is hard to ask. So any advice on what I should do?
3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years agoHelp me identify this character?
ok last night I had a nightmare. I got a call saying that the man was calling from inside the house i laughed he siad look behind you, so i did and of course there he was. But here's where i need help he looked like someone/something. I swear i've seen him and i think it was in a game of some sort. Here's the description, little hazy due to it being a dream but anyway
He was big, he was bald. He has 3 red eyes and a open mouth. Little pointy hand and was oddly proportioned. He had a purple shirt (not to sure on the colour)
I feel he is from a game. i'm thinking pokemon since i've been playing it but it doesn't ring a bell i might have seen it out the corner of my eye
If you have any idea who it might be that attacked me in my dream, let me know and give me a link to his pic thank you
Keep in mind he may not even be real but i feel i've seen him somewhere
3 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years agoI just cant' take mark henry seriously?
Ok so he's trying to be a big "monster" I just can't take him seriously. Every time i see him i just think of the whole "sexual chocloate" gimmick and him making out with mae Young and that time he was with a chick then came running out of the room going "OH M YGOD SHE HAS A PEN!S" i just think of it every time i see him. I can't take hi mseiously can you? remember when he was doing Mae Young? REMEMEBR MAE YOUNGS PUPPIES!!1
10 AnswersWrestling9 years agowhy is Daniel bryan champion?
He's a nerd. he is a no talent loser. Every time he's on the mic asleep. ok so instead of having plain red undies hes got some design thats different. But thats the most innovative thing he's odne! Anyone remember back on NXT it took him like 10 hours to finish 1 can of SODA! our world champion cant even beat a can of soda! I am disgusted that this annoying vegan is our champion it sickens me. We need guys the the AWESOME MIZ *** our WWE champion you know guys with TALENT! Or maybe even the great Michael Cole i mean he is undefeated at Wrestlemania. hell Snatino is better than Daniel "Insomniac's Dream" Bryan. or "bryan Danielson" as he is otherwise known. This is the worst move in the history of the company. truly a dark day in pro wrestling
13 AnswersWrestling9 years agoWhat are your thoughts on this horrible turn of events?
As you all know Daniel Bryan has Unfortunantly won the World Heavyweight Championship. Now i for one was screaming "NO NOOOO FOR THE LVOE OF GOD NOOOOOOO" It was terrifying and i fell that this is a dark moment in professional wrestling. I mean this vegan little nerd with no personality the boring Insomniacs dream Daniel Bryan is the world champion? Give me your thoguhts we can all get through the horror together
9 AnswersWrestling9 years agowould invading the P&S section be the right thing to do?
Ok so they invaded us but i looked there and i don't know if they are reall active users there. Also why stoop to their level by "invading" them we just be as bad as them and keep a pointless feud going. Just report the trolls. They clearly have no life. Or we could have fun ad destroy P & S. What would be the right thing to do in your honest opinion
10 AnswersWrestling10 years agodid you know? Wrestling isn't fake?
correct folks the actual sport of Wrestling is real, however, the spectacle of Professional Wrestling like we see on WWE is scripted. So it puts a hole in the trolls theroy of "wrestling is fake." I belive it is now customary for me to ask you to suck upon my genitals
4 AnswersWrestling10 years agoHow often do NHL teams play?
Ok i am just getting into hockey and here's my question, They play like 82 games a year. How often are they played. if they were played once a week that'd be over 1 year to play. Do they play everyday? every second day? Also when does the season usually start and end. Thanks!
8 AnswersHockey10 years agoGood Wrestling Gimmick?
A freind of mine says he would love to be a wrestler.He is starting to get into it but doesn't know a good gimmick. He got me to ask you guys what would be good for him.
1. An evil/sdastic character
2. Brightly dressed high flyer who the fans love
3. A "cool" biker type heel. Who acts like a douche to the crowd
4. Or a young deliquent who breaks stuff, kinda like DX
Which is better for him? He's young short and skinny but with the evi lone he says some pretty evil stuff. lol. So what do you think?
3 AnswersWrestling10 years agoTeach me how to dougie?
Alright so my sister thinks she knows everything. I was talking about "teach me how to dougie" by Cal Swag District. She says it is a "rip-off" of "teach me how to dance" she was unable to give an artist name. She claims "they like play it all the time at the bluelight" and the chorus sounded" exactly like teach me how to dance but all that start stuff sounds nothing like it" so i told her it's probably teach me how to dougie being pkayed and she is mistaking "dougie for dance" I searched and cannot find any song called Teach me how to dance. She says "come to the disco you'll see" I suggested it might be a retarded remix. She told me that it IS a song and Teach me how to dougie is a rip-off. Is she right?
2 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop10 years agoAlgerbra and Fractions?
ok so i have a really hard sum it is:
a over 5 + 2a over 5. Please i need help. Could you explain how you figured it out and what steps i need to take. Also the value of "a" is not given
5 AnswersMathematics1 decade agoPokemon Diamond Question? Can this really happen?
Ok i think my friend might be lying, he tells me that on his game he was walknig around (at night) and got a message saying 'it's getting cold" which he ignored, he claimed it happened agin then Darkrai appeared and began throwin shadow balls at him (out of battle) all his pokemon were taking damage and he couldn't escape it, then when all the pokemon fainted his character fell on the ground and then he started back at the Pokemon Centre, does this happen or is he bullshitting?
3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago