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  • My 3 year old girl is throwing horrible tantrums. How to handle, please read first.?

    My beautiful little 3 1/2 girl has been throwing horrible tantrums towards my wife lately. I work all day so I do not experience them as she does. I came home today and she was crying bc they had been going at it all day. The problem for me is that when I am alone with her she doesn't do this to me and all I have to do is raise my voice a little and she obeys. My wife on the other hand has done it all and that includes some @$$ whoopings. Anyone have this kind of problem. I would like some reassurance that it is normal, and some intelligent suggestions are always welcome. And please don't tell me to just beat her ***. I am from the south and I am old school and I will not hesitate to lay into her butt, but I would like to approach this problem intelligently and not discipline her according to our emotions. I mean I don't want to hit her just because it makes me feel better. I do love my kids.

    7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • How do i deal with my social wife when im unsocial?

    My wife enjoys doing things with people and friends. I would rather go walk in the woods all day alone. I have a demanding job and two kids. Therefore i no longer get to do these sorts of things. You know what forget it. Women are impossible to please.

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • How do u accurately interpret the bible?

    And who decides what the correct interPretation is? How can different people read the same document and come up with different conclusions as to its meaning? Who has the final authority to deem a certain interpretation correct? Please do not respond with a silly answer like " god decides". This question is more of a challenge than a question.

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Is the bible useless as a guide for christianity? Please read first.?

    If two different people can read the same bible and come up with two different interpretations of its meaning then whats the point of the bible? This happens on a much larger scale, that is why there are so many different sects of the same religion. So scientifically speaking wouldnt this make the bible useless as a guide? Please do not respond with "it takes faith, god will guide you..etc." i am speaking about something observable, ie. different sects of the same religion that uses the same book as a guide.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Are there any christians who oppose dadt repeal?

    Are there any christians who opposes the dadt repeal but have never served i. The military? And how can u justify yourself when you have not served?

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • How does a family man get time for himself and maintain his sanity?

    I truely love my family(2/12 yo+ 1 yo girls+ wife.) but i feel unappreciated by my wife for the amount of work i put into our family and the time i sacrifice for all of them. I'm in the navy and have a not so normal, very demanding job. I usually work 7-4, on an average day and come home to help w/kids. Im usually done w/ them by 7:30 and then its wifey time. When this is over im usually so tired so i go to sleep and do it all over again. Weekends are usually all family time. The problem is when i try to get some "me" time my wife makes me deel guilty. If i tell her i need space, like i just did 5 minutes ago, she gets pissed and takes it so personal. I love playing my drums, but god forbid i play more than 5 minutes. Im sure most men know what im talking about. So maybe u women out there can help me out. I always, and i literally mean always, encourage her to go out w friends, take time to herself, go out by herself, etc. i always volunteer to watch the kids for her but i do not get this in return. How the hell do i deal w/ this?????

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago