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Favourite answers0%
  • Is it bad to be different from everyone else?? ?

    I sing and do music and sometimes I feel bad because it’s not what most of my peers are doing.. they are scared and rather watch.. should I feel bad?? I feel horrible for being different

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 days ago
  • How to move away from your crush??? Sad:(?

    I have so many dreams and plans and one of them is to move far away to LA or California.. my crush lives in New York I know where not together lol but it’s gonna be so hard to leave him.. it feels like I’m ending our future together lol.. I wanna follow my dreams and move away this fall but I wont see my baby anymore.. please help??? Lol I gotta get out of this small town where nothing ever happens “adel” lol 

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 days ago
  • How to move away from my crush?? Depressed:((?

    I have so many dreams and plans and one of them is to move far away to LA or California.. my crush lives in New York I know where not together lol but it’s gonna be so hard to leave him.. it feels like I’m ending our future together lol.. I wanna follow my dreams and move away this fall but I wont see my baby anymore.. please help??? Lol I gotta get out of this small town where nothing ever happens “adel” lol 

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 days ago
  • How to move away from my crush?? Depressed:((?

    I have so many dreams and plans and one of them is to move far away to LA or California.. my crush lives in New York I know where not together lol but it’s gonna be so hard to leave him.. it feels like I’m ending our future together lol.. I wanna follow my dreams and move away this fall but I wont see my baby anymore.. please help??? Lol I gotta get out of this small town where nothing ever happens “adel” lol 

    1 AnswerFamily6 days ago