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Favourite answers10%
  • What is the Scientific Reason Why Male Babies are Slightly More Common Than Female Babies?

    I read somewhere that there are 1049 male babies for every 1000 female babies, why is this? Is there any scientific reason? Ok, both sexes are needed to keep the species alive, but females do much of the reproductive work, carrying a pregnancy, giving birth etc?

    1 AnswerBiology6 years ago
  • Most embarrassing bathroom incident?

    Public or not, make me laugh.

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • I can't answer questions on mobile, please help?

    I tried to post an answer this morning and it refused to post, I went onto desktop which I don't like, it's cluttered, in my opinion, and I got this answer to post finally, after typing and retyping it 5 or so times. I can ask questions, comment on answers, and do everything else as normal but I have shut my browser, reloaded the page, I've tried everything, please help me! I want to answer questions, I love this site, why is this suddenly happening and what can I do apart from switching to desktop?

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers6 years ago
  • How can I advise my friend about periods?

    So my friend, a bit older than me, has just started her period. I don't really know how to explain to her that her cycle almost certainly won't be regular, when I asked her to come for a sleepover she said she'd be on her period then, keep in mind, as far as I know she's going by the calendar on her phone. I know, that, if it doesn't follow the calendar, she'll worry. I dunno how to explain this to her? Tips and suggestions, also does anyone have funny, embarrassing or down right gross period stories I can read to her?

    3 AnswersWomen's Health6 years ago
  • How can I advise my friend about periods?

    So my friend, a bit older than me, has just started her period. I don't really know how to explain to her that her cycle almost certainly won't be regular, when I asked her to come for a sleepover she said she'd be on her period then, keep in mind, as far as I know she's going by the calendar on her phone. I know, that, if it doesn't follow the calendar, she'll worry. I dunno how to explain this to her? Tips and suggestions, also does anyone have funny, embarrassing or down right gross period stories I can read to her?

    3 AnswersWomen's Health6 years ago
  • When I ask or answer a question, sometimes the answer number is incorrect?

    I have recently seen many questions where it says it has a certain amount of answers however when I look it has more, or less, than the said number, e.g. It says 3 answers but it actually has 4, 4 answers it has 3, etc. What is this? Is is a glitch or something else?

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers6 years ago
  • Embarrassing sweaty hands? Please HELPPP?

    I'm a 15-year-old female and since the age of around 4, I've had sweaty, clammy hands most of the time at school and sometimes at home. I went to the doctors when I was about 7 and got this roll-on stuff which, if I'm perfectly honest, I refused to wear regularly and I can't remember if it helped. More recently, it has been getting much much worse. Whenever I'm standing in class, we do cooking, they are very wet and they are red. It's embarrassing becasue, if someone takes hold of my hand then they will feel it, or at least, I think they do. They are not always so bad that they are red but they are rarely completely dry either. Does anyone know any things that can help this that are suttle?

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions6 years ago
  • Is changing your accent possible?

    I'm from London, but my mum is from Manchester and I think I have a mix between the 2. I would really prefer it if my voice sounded more like a North-Londoner. You know, not really posh, but more of the everyday accent nowadays. I suppose it might help that I'm English, will it. Thanks.

    1 AnswerLanguages6 years ago
  • POLL: What's your most embarrassing school story?

    I'm in a real laughing mood! Entertain me please

    I'll share mine:

    In primary school, secondary now, we used to do singing lessons. I have to admit I never really liked them but anyways! It was thursday, and I'd been off on the wednesday with dizziness. Went back on the thursday and, well, the first thing I had was... SINGING! I sang, la la la, then I felt this hot feeling over me. I was all of a sudden feeling very ill, sick, dizzy, shaky, upset stomach, etc. That was it, I knew I was fainting so I whispered to my friend, "I think I'm gonna faint" I sat down, stupidly at the end of the song and my teacher asked me if I was okay, I told him what's up and my friend took me the office. When I got there, they lay me flat on the chairs in the corridoor, and lots of people saw me. And, I asked my friend for deatails a few months back, we were talking about fainting for some odd reason, and she told me I was practically blue, and when they sat me down at the office, I hit my head off the wall. That scared me a lot.

    Another time was last week. I was wearing these trousers, (Pants Im English), and they kept falling down. I was sitting there in class, and this girl who I speak to told me, "Pull your cardi down at the back, boys are sitting there looking at your bum".

    I sat there mortified and since I've been paranoid about wearing those trousers. From now on, I'll be keeping my cardi down at the back.

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • Schoolwork and homework make me panicky and anxious?

    So, I find this very difficult to explain, so bare with me. I panic at the thought of certain classes. Some nights, I lie in bed feeling so anxious I'm shaking and can't sleep, my mind is constantly occupied by thoughts of the school related thing. Also, if I have something I do not understand, I feel my heart racing and I feel physically ill. Thing is, I feel I have no one to confide in, adults just don't seem to remember what it feels like. I can't sit down and do homework without needing a break because I feel panicky. Some days I just don't want to go into school because of particular things. And sometimes I just don't want to do anything and I just want to lie on my bed and, basically, let the panic take over and pass. I once felt panicky at school, in pe, and people could see it in my face I think, I felt dizzy, sick, my breathing was fast, all the classic panic symptoms, and I had no idea what to do. I still don't know what to do. I would really apreciate, (excuse my spelling) some advice on this as I'm seriously stuck. I'm 15, English female, if that helps you. Thanks a lot.

    1 AnswerMental Health6 years ago
  • I feel like I'm going to faint after exposing myself to heat, please help me?

    It's unusually hot in the UK today, like, hahaaha 15°C! I was sitting out in the April summer, not, and now i'm back in, I am very hot, feel dizzy, and I just feel generally faint. I just feel so tired and ill, and it's only 4pm! Anything I can do?

    2 AnswersOther - Health6 years ago
  • I'm a YouTuber and my videos take an eternity to upload, any help?

    I have extremely slow BT internet and I know it. But, sometimes a video of 20 minutes can take 1 hour and sometimes it can take 15 hours, with no difference in quality at all. I am a daily vlogger so as you can imagine, it's very difficult to go through this each day! So does anyone have any tips to help me resolve this? I do have a few questions:

    When I export from my editer (WMM) it gives me 2 options, MPEG or WMV, which would be better for uploading to YouTube?

    From an iPhone, how can you improve upload times?

    3 AnswersYouTube6 years ago
  • What's the oldest age a girl has ever gotten her first period?

    I'm just curious aha! Googled it and there wasn't anything except when was normal and that's not what I mean. My question, what was the oldest age a girl has ever had her first period?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health6 years ago
  • Am I getting ill or something?

    So on monday 5th period, I was feeling sick. I just felt sick, nothing else. Tuesday wednesday, I felt sick but I was well enough for school. Today, I was feeling quite sick, hot and dizzy, I could feel my stomach was upset. I am now really cold, still feeling sick and I can feel myself getting a really bad headache. I just was wondering if I'm getting ill and if I should go to school tomorrow. I tend to feel worse at school because you have to work hard etcetera. I have not been sick.

    1 AnswerOther - Health6 years ago
  • I have been unfollowed by someone famous on twitter, how can I get over this?

    Ok so last night I realised that the person who I won a follow from in a follow spree unfollowed me. Why would they do so? I felt like I did something wrong and I still do because lots of other peoples I have followed for months and they have also followed me for months have recently started unfollowing me as well. I don't know what I am doing wrong, what could I be doing wrong. I am a YouTuber, small, and I tweet when I upload videos and my general thoughts and life.

    4 AnswersOther - Internet6 years ago
  • Feeling out of breath while swimming and running?

    I swim every week, and since about a year ago, i've been noticing difficulty holding my breath for a long period. When I stop, I need to take lots of deep breaths. Anyone any advice on this as I kinda need to hold my breath. When I have to even do it for a few seconds i start to struggle.

    The thing with running, I run, paced, for a few minutes, then I get a majer stitch, but not only that, I get out of breath and start to feel dizzy and faint. Trouble is, when you run with school, pe, they don't want you stopping. I find that the only way I can get rid of the stitch is to grab hold of it, but sometimes thats not possible for me. Even when I run in a game, this still happens and I really need some advice. Also, can anyone tell me what causes dizziness and faintness on treadmills?

    Any advice on these?

    I'm 15, Female, about 5 ft 6 and about 95lbs.

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • Poll: Whos your favourite YouTuber?

    Mine are Tanya Burr, Jim Chapman and Zoella.

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • Nervous about telling teachers if I am ill?

    Ok. So I often feel dizzy and sometimes faint, but if it happens at school, I feel nervous about telling the teacher. I don't know why, but i'm always sscared about what they will do, ask etc. A few weeks ago, i felt ill and told, but I was just so nervous when I was talking to the teacher. Any help. I was, and still am a bit, feeling ill today and was so scared I just said I was hot.

    I also hate telling my parents, not as much as teachers coz I know how my mum deals with it. Any advice. Also, can anyone tell me what teachers do if you feel, or do, faint? I've felt faint once but i've moved schools since then and i'm not sure what happens at my new school.

    1 AnswerOther - Health6 years ago