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  • Flashcard SW License for Ipad?

    I would like to develop an application for the Ipad that will basically be flashcards. Just like traditional flash cards, each will contain a question on the front, and an answer on the back. In some instances, I might want to have a third or fourth side for further explanation if the answer isn't enough. I've written a lot of SW in K&R C, c++, and VC++ along with several other languages, but I am not at all certain that it is worth learning Objective C for what I want to do.

    My goal is to have several decks of flash cards on the AppStore for sale. I would prefer to concentrate on the content rather than the programming.

    It seems that my choices are:

    1. Develop the software myself

    2. Purchase a library of routines that are easily tied together.

    3. Purchase a License

    4. Enter into some sort of marketing agreement with a flashcard developer.

    Unfortunately, I am very new to the apple environment, so I don't even know who the players are.

    Any advice will be appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerSoftware8 years ago
  • VS2012 CFileDialog hides part of passed filename?

    In the following function, when the CFileDialog opens, it has the first 2 or 3 letters of the filename hidden . As if the filename has scrolled to the right, and the first characters are scrolled out of the CEdit window to the left.

    So in the filename box, I see 333-20130513 when I should see H3133-20130513. If I scroll left in the CEdit, the filename is there, it is just hidden.

    CString FileName;

    char date[128];



    CFileDialog Dlg(true,(".xml"),FileName,NULL,("XML Files (*.xml)|*.xml|Dat Files (*.dat)|*.dat|All Files (*.*)|*.*||"));



    Any Ideas?

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design8 years ago
  • convert vc++ 6.0 to visual studio 2012?

    I have a number of VC++ 6.0 programs that I need to convert to Visual Studio 2012. Some convert with very little work, others fail with cryptic error messages such as:

    C:\rick\projects\JeppToXMLNew1\JeppToXML.vcxproj : error : No exports were found that match the constraint:

    ContractName Microsoft.VisualStudio.Project.IProjectServiceAccessor

    RequiredTypeIdentity Microsoft.VisualStudio.Project.IProjectServiceAccessor

    OTHERS fail and pop up a mozilla window with what looks like error links, but when I click on the link, nothing happens.

    Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design8 years ago
  • Flat Assembler - Assembler out of memory error?

    I am trying to learn a little using Flat Assembler assembly language, and have a VERY simple program with a couple of loops, specifically

    repeat 10


    while % <= numread


    end while

    while % < jj


    end while

    end repeat

    There are some WIN calls such as ReadConsole and WriteConsole, and a small handful of variables. During compile, I get "Out of Memory" errors.

    Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design8 years ago
  • simple easy to use animation with text to voide?

    I am doing a presentation later in the month, and I believe that a little humor might be in order. I would like to use very simple cartoon characters with text to voice capability. I need three characters, with no more than two on the screen at a time. This is something that I am doing gratis, so I am unwilling to spend money for a professional to do it for me.

    Any suggestions for software. I downloaded a version of Crazy Talk, but that is way more complicated than my skill set or time allows for.

    Any recommendations?

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design8 years ago
  • Why won't Dr. allow injected Testosterone?

    I've been diagnosed with Low T, and the Dr. has prescribed Testosterone. My problem is that I travel a lot, and carrying around the gel is a pain, further, it is as expensive as all get out. I have a friend in the same situation, who shoots himself once a week. My physician won't allow that. I'm not squeamish at all, and years ago, had to give myself a series of shots, and had no difficulty.

    My question is, is my physician being old fashioned----he is probably in his 70s? What are the reasons that he would take this attitude? I'm considering forum shopping (looking for a new physician), but don't want to do that if his concerns are legit.

    1 AnswerOther - Health8 years ago
  • create directory vc++ 6.0?

    I am trying to create a directory, on the fly, and can't seem to get anything to work. To skip over all of the logic, I tried something simple like:

    CString csTemp;



    This is failing. I tried a system call as in system("mkdir ..."), and that works OK but a shell window pops up for about a second. Not the end of the world, but I would like to either figure out how to make the directory from within c++, or do the system call without the window popping up.

    The compiler is VC++ 6.0, and the OS is Windows 7, but it will need to run on a wide variety of Windows platforms.

    Any Ideas?

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design9 years ago
  • how to find function documentation for VC++ 6?

    I infrequently program in VC++ 6.0. Today, I want to use access() to determine the existence of a file. I have spent an hour on the MS web site looking for library documentation, and just can't find it.

    Can anyone point me in the right directions.

    PS: I appreciate those who will be tempted to help me with access(), but there will be other functions that need to be looked up. I need to know how to navigate the MS web site.

    Thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design9 years ago
  • multiple speakers on single amp?

    I have always been under the impression that impedance, while not the same as resistance, is very similar. For instance, put two 8 ohm speakers on the same channel of an amp in parallel, and the amp sees 4 ohms, likewise, put the two in series, and the amp sees 16 ohms. In for former the risk is blowing the outputs, in the latter, the volume is very limited.

    Today, I spoke with the folks at Niles Audio, and they claim that with impedance matching volume controls in each room, I can use a simple buss bar and connect all of the speakers up to the same amp. Sounds great, but I don't understand. Won't the amp see an impedance of around 1.4 ohms (6 8-ohm speakers wired in parallel)?

    Thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersOther - Electronics1 decade ago
  • Where best to store a global variable?

    I am developing a VC++ 6.0 MDI application that, no matter how may Document/Views are open will all be operating on the same data from the same file----just different views. These views are not like a document editor where the exact same data is displayed but in different formats such as show format characters or not. The underlying data will be the same, just that different sections will be displayed based on selections made in a dialog.

    I can either open the file once, and pass the FILE variable around, or I can pass the name around, and let each instance of the CDocument do its own open/fopen of the file. I am OK with either one, but will probably have each CDocument do its own open/fopen..

    Is there a standard location where this CString/char[] variable should be kept? Based on your recommendation of where to keep it, what is the best way to access it from a CDocument?

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • How are Sudoku puzzles rated?

    In the simplest sense, I would expect it to be strongly related to the number of clues, and that the clues given are random. However, this is apparently not true as my Droid gave 26 clues to an extreme puzzle, and 22 to a hard one. Just curious.

    Thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerOther - Games & Recreation1 decade ago
  • Is there any GOOD liquid sander?

    We expect that in the next 3-5 years we will completely remodel the kitchen. In the mean time, I would like to paint the cabinets. I am not particularly worried about doing the painting, but I am concerned about the time that I will have to spend on prep work.

    Is there some liquid sander that really works well, or some other method that will shave a lot of time off of this task?

    While I am asking, what paint would you recommend. I'm guessing a gloss latex enamel.

    3 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • Glass cooktop vs conventional cooktop vs gas cooktop?

    I already posted a question regarding this issue, and have gotten some great answers. However, now I have more information to add.

    I have a GE Profile cooktop that has a cracked glass top. Also, the large/small burner switch is broken. So, GE will send me these parts for the paltry sum of about $575.

    I can purchase a conventional cooktop for a lot less.

    I can also purchase a new GE Profile glass cooktop for $809. Taxes and installation extra.

    I can purchase a Kenmore (it says stainless steel, but looks like glass in the picture) cooktop for around $500.

    I have gas plumbed in, and still have an outside venting hood, so I could even go with a conventional gas range.

    For convenience sake, I might just order the parts, but this seems like an ideal time to explore all my options.

    Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

    2 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • Should I replace the glass top on a GE Profile series Range Top?

    My GE Profile range top has a cracked glass top. It is around $600 sans labor to replace, and new range tops, of the same quality, seem to be around $1200 or less. Many are available for around $600.

    In general, I don't repair items when the cost of the repair grows to 50% of new. Does anyone have any insight as to whether it is worth the money and time to repair this one? The advantage of repair is I am certain that there is no need for any modifications to the existing Corian counter.

    Also, we often place hot from the oven dishes and casseroles on this surface. Is this likely what caused the crack. I know that the area where the burners is supposed to be able to handle heat, but I wonder about the areas in between.

    Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    7 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • what home sewing machine is the best?

    Forgive my ignorance. I know nothing about sewing machines, and very little about sewing. Our sewing machine was used to make curtains over 30 years ago, and otherwise is used for minor repairs. So we don't need a real fancy machine with a million stitches, but we do have children, and we sometimes find ourselves stitching multi-layer denim. So heavy duty would be nice.

    Our 30+ yr old Singer model just died. It is one of the ones built 30+ years ago with something special about the bobbin----I don't know but something about a model that they tried for a few years with a unique bobbin arrangement, and we've been told that it didn't work well. Anyway, the bobbin won't turn now.

    My questions:

    1) Should I spend a couple of hundred dollars to get this machine repaired?

    2) If #1 is NO, then what is a good, simple, heavy duty sewing machine that can be purchased for a reasonable price?

    3) Would a used machine be a good option?

    Thanks in advance

    6 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • Best treatment for TMJ?

    I have developed a jaw that pops, and occasionally hangs. For lack of a better term, I have to sort of manipulate it back into position. When this happens it is painful, but not unbearably so. Also, I have to chew on the side that pops; if I chew on the opposite side it is painful, and the hanging gets much worse.

    I probably have mild bruxism, but there is no evidence in terms of teeth problems. I suspect this because I bought a mouth guard, and found myself sort of chewing it during times of wakefulness.

    Should I:

    See a dentist?

    See and oral surgeon?

    See another medical professional?

    Treat it myself with a mouth guard?

    Subscribe to one of the web sites that purports to know how to cure with exercise?

    Do something that I haven't thought of?

    I don't want to waste a lot of time and money chasing chimeras.

    1 AnswerDental1 decade ago
  • IFR lost com. What would you do?

    I was doing a little hangar flying yesterday, and we got into an interesting discussion about Lost Comm under IFR. So here is the scenario. You are cleared to DAL (Dallas Love) and the last portion of the routing is the Dumpy Arrival ( Dallas was landing North when you got your last wx report/metar/ATIS, so you plan to do the ILS 31R ( If the cut and paste doesn't work, try and enter KDAL.

    1) Clearance Limit is DAL

    2) Last portion of routine is Dumpy Arrival

    3) You are Lost Comm

    4) Level at 10,000'

    5) Due to poor flight planning, winds, whatever, as you approach Dumpy you realize that you are about 20 ahead of flight plan.

    6) You intend to perform the ILS 31R Approach

    7) DAL was last reported to be 300/1, and you miss the approach because you screw it up.


    1) What will you do after Dumpy?

    2) What, if anything, will you do about being 20 minutes early?

    3) Where/When will you begin your descent?

    3) What will you do after you miss the approach (try again, go to alternate, or punt)?

    4) What routing/altitude will you use to get to the alternate? I didn't specify an alternate, so just use general terms.

    I know that I would do, but I am interested in what this community has to say. I also know that with all the problems of this scenario, it is really at the margin, but then again, many of our accidents happen when multiple problems present themselves.

    6 AnswersAircraft1 decade ago
  • alternative mp3 player ---- other than i-pod?

    I am really disgusted with Apple and their I-Pod. The player is nice, but from time to time, it, or the software decide that they don't know each other, so I lose play order, etc. It also does a lousy job of shuffling songs within a playlist.

    On the other hand, my Droid does a great job, so far, with everything, and I use it as my personal player. On the other hand, I can't use it to play throughout the house and still have a phone.

    What is a good alternative to I-pod that will allow me to organize songs into playlists, specifically order the playlist, and also allow me to rendomly shuffle the songs within a playlist? I don't need a huge amount of storage; I probably only have about 2-300 songs loaded.

    4 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • electronic pilot logbook on-line or web based?

    Recently, for about the 100th time, I lost my little red log book. Of course it was returned, but it did raise an issue for me. Many of my FOs log their time on their PDA, phone, whatever. I happen to own a Droid, and started looking for Droid logbook software, but apparently, none exists. So I started thinking about web based subscription software, and Google finds a few of those.

    Would those of you who have experience with electronic logbooks please offer some recommendations? Especially with the web-based versions.

    I currently track: Date, Tail#, Type, From, To, Start (hh:mm), End (hh:mm), Total (hh:mm), SchedTime (hh:mm), Overs (mm), TLH (Takeoff, Landing, Holding). The TLH is just for proving instrument currency under Part 91, should the need ever arise---it never has.

    If I am going to do this, in addition to the above, I would like the following:

    1) The ability to quickly print out layover cities for tax deductions.

    2) Warnings on CFI, Medical, and any other expirations

    3) Web + PC Based. Right now there are none available for the Droid. I don't want to purchase some software, then, when the next PDA/Phone comes, it out won't handle it. If web based, then there are places in the world where it won't work, but I can update when I get back to civilization.

    4) Ability to download back to my PC so that I am not stuck if the provider goes out of business.

    5) Reasonably priced.

    In the past 23 years, I have, not even once, been required by anyone to produce a log book. Not even the FAA. So I am not even certain why I am keeping it. So, if it is too hard to use, or is too expensive, I'll just stay with paper.


    3 AnswersAircraft1 decade ago
  • How to liven up a crab sauce?

    Last week I made crab cakes, and had about a pound of crab left over.

    Yesterday, to use up the crab, I made a blond roux, added chicken broth (couldn't find fish stock or crab stock) onions, bell peppers, tabasco, cajun seasoning, oil, paprika, etc. It tastes OK, but is a little crabby, and doesn't have the zing that I am accustomed to with say a Ponchitrain sauce.

    I'm wondering what I can possibly use to give it a little zing, and tone down the crab.

    Any thoughts?

    I'm thinking about blackening, lemon juice, and/or a little heavy cream.

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago