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Favourite answers17%
  • Best time to book a cruise?

    I want to book a cruise, we are not to bothered how long/short the cruise is and we have a few cruise lines we would sail with so we are not to picky. But when should we book? In advance or last minute? There is a particular sailing we want to go on so its not like we would be disapointed if we missed out on one.

    7 AnswersCruise Travel9 years ago
  • Cabins on P&O Arcadia?

    I'm going on a p&o cruise on Arcadia this year and we are booked into a inside cabin. What are the inside cabins like?

    1 AnswerCruise Travel9 years ago
  • What are the top cruise destinations?

    I'm looking to go on a cruise next year - where would you recommend?

    4 AnswersCruise Travel10 years ago