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I need reassurance about my looks, help?
It's spring time and love is in the air, but this is the third consecutive year in a row that I've been single and lonely. I'm in 8th grade and as I look around my school, it seems like everybody is dating and having a great time, and I'm the only one that's single.
I've been out of my depression for a while, but I feel like I'm lapsing back. every girl that I've ever asked out has told either me or somebody I know that I'm an ugly disgusting freak and that they would never go out with me. I've also been told that pretty much all of the other girls within my age range feel the same way. I get looks of contempt and disgust whenever I walk by. This on;y happens at my school, and I don't know why. I can't take it any more. I've never had my first kiss, which everyone else has already had, and I'm still a virgin. I can't stand to be that one loser any more.
I feel like I've been checked out before quite often but I can't be sure. When I'm with my mom shopping in town, girls from that town (fairly attractive girls may I add) are always looking in my direction. I feel like eyes are all over me. I'm starting to think it's just a delusion, me trying to make myself feel better, but I'll never know. Are they just looking at me, glancing around, or are they checking me out?
Y!A, I know most of you are trolls, but I need to know. Am I ugly? Below is my Facebook and my Profile Picture. My Facebook has only been up for a couple weeks, so I only have one picture up, but hopefully it's all I need. If I am in fact ugly, what can I do to improve my appearance (if anything)?
8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoNot Believing in God is the same as believing in no God, right?
Why do atheists say they have no theological beliefs? They believe there is no God, right? That's a belief. P.S. this has nothing to do with baldness or stamp collecting, please don't bring these up.
8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoWhat's up with my stars and thumb rating system?
My account mysteriously stars certain questions without me wanting it to, and certain answers get thumbs up/down without me pressing the thumbs up/down button. Why does this happen? How do I fix it?
2 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade agoMy personal religious beliefs?
I'm a Christian, but I don't believe in burning witches or protesting gays' funerals. I'm not a supporter of the Republican party, and I don't try to shove my religion down other people's throats. I do community service, and I'm an active member of my local boy scout troop, which has helped hundreds of people in my community. I don't do these things because I fear Hell, I do them because I want to do them. My God doesn't require me to do them, yet I feel compelled to do them anyway. I believe in separation of church and state, and I believe in equality for all people, black or white or brown or red, male or female or or both or neither. No matter how or what you are, you're the same as me.
Atheists, how is my religion still harmful to society? How am I less of a person than you because I believe something different than you? I am perfectly healthy and have an above average intelligence. I have no delusions, just opposing beliefs. Why do you place yourselves on pedestals above other human beings? We're the same in that we both believe in something. Can't you finally agree that we're the same?
15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoR&S, why does it please you so much to belittle those you disagree with?
Christians, atheists, (rarely) other religions, why do we all get satisfaction out of the misery of others? Why must we convert, why must we shun, and why must we belittle? Atheists you're not going to change the mind of theists, and theists, you're not going to change the minds of atheists. Lets just sit back and take a look at our internet habits. Every day we get up and hop on Y!A just to make fun of people. It's a form of bullying, isn't it? Why do you get your sick kicks out of making people feel like s***?
4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoAtheists, weren't the Crusades more about land than religion?
The crusades weren't really fought with religious motivation, they were more about The king of England wanting land in the middle east, right? Who's to say religion wasn't just a cover?
9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoOnce again, what scientific evidence is there against God?
I don't want condescending bull crap like last time. Give me Wikipedia links to scientific evidence against God's existence. No straw men, no "no evidence equals evidence" arguments. What in science proves 'without a doubt' God's existence?
30 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoAtheists, why is your assumption more scientifically sound than a theist's?
When presented with certain questions about God's existence, some atheists will say that they don't know whether or not God is real. The very same atheists will then say on any other question that they are 100% sure that God is not real.
That would make their reasoning as follows: I don't know whether god is real or not, therefore God isn't real.
How does that work?
23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoAtheists, why doesn't my textbook say anything about God?
>Open Your Eyes, and Read a Textbook. On Science.
I'm reading a science textbook, and it doesn't say anything about God. Is the textbook wrong? I mean, obviously God isn't real, because Atheists have more authority with science than actual scientists, right?
20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoDoesn't life become unexciting when emotions stop meaning anything?
As a followup for the answers to my last question, if emotions are just simple chemical reactions that can be tampered with and controlled, don't they kind of lose their importance? People used to believe that emotions were something special, something that comes from within. Something that makes you unique. Emotions used to be the thing that separated us from the animals. Now people believe that they're just reactions between synapses, that certain molecules can be used to make you feel a certain way, and even make you think a certain way. Doesn't that kind of render all of our lives meaningless? That feeling that you and your wife have for each other, that's just nature's way of making sure you reproduce. There is no "love", there is no "hate" and there is no "joy". Everything can be simplified down to an algorithm. Doesn't that take away anything from your life? Doesn't it make you feel insignificant? How can you continue to believe this way? Doesn't it drive you crazy?
9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoAtheists, what do you believe about emotions?
On Monday (Valentine's Day) I watched a Discovery Channel documentary on the science of love. They claimed love is just an evolutionary instinct to help sexual partners raise their children together. I thought this was rubbish. I know this isn't the science section, but I've heard a lot of atheists in R&S claim similar things, like that emotions are just chemical reactions, and things like that. So if you're an atheist, just tell me what your opinions of emotions are.
27 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoHow do you tell a troll from a sincere atheist?
On a related note, why are there so many trolls on this site, opposed to other sites? Is the format of the site just easy to manipulate?
6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoIs it bad if I laugh at Dane Cook's comedy?
A lot of my friends shoot me down for it, but I honestly like Dane Cook. I think he's funny. Anyone else want to admit it?
2 AnswersComedy1 decade agoAtheists, if God presented himself to you, would you write it off as a delusion?
Atheists, let's say HYPOTHETICALLY that God decides to pull a Paul on you and present himself, all bright lights and thundery voice, trying to remove all doubt from your mind of his existence. Would you write it off as a mental glitch, a brief moment of psychosis, or would you start believing in God? Honestly. Imagine that in your mind. If God came up to you and said "___, I've decided it's time for you to start believing" would you respond "Sorry God, only idiots believe in you" or would you actually convert? I don't want to make anyone mad, no condescending answers, I just want to see what people say.
31 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoIf you had five minutes left to live, what would you do?
No trolling. What would you do if you knew for a fact that you'd die in five minutes? What would you say, and who would you say it to?
11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoWhy do some atheists have an unhealthy obsession with religion?
Honestly, why do so many atheists stay in R&S just to piss with theists? Do they just not have anything else to do? If they're so much smarter than the theists, why can't they contribute their unending knowledge to the other sections on Y!A? All these people talk about is God God God. Why would you talk about something you don't even believe in? If you have such a burning hate for religion why do you even come to this section? R&S is for learning about other religions, not spewing biting sarcasm to those you disagree with.
37 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoHow do I get over my problems?
I used to be a really happy kid before I started public school. Now I'm a reject who isn't wanted anywhere. I don't play sports, and that makes me a nobody where I'm from. I've lost all ambition to do anything (I really love playing guitar, but now I can't be bothered to practice) and I don't even feel emotions anymore. I've been rejected countless times by the girls in my school. I'm scared to come out of my shell because I don't want to go through the pain of being turned down anymore. I've told my mom about the problems I have and she either tells me to suck it up or go talk to the counselors at school. The counselors don't take me seriously and won't give me the help I need. I have all of the symptoms of manic depression, but when I talk to anyone about it, they tell me it's just a side effect of puberty. I know it's more than that! There's a history of chemical-mental imbalance in my family, but my mom refuses to take me to a therapist. She says all he will do is dope me up. I don't know where to turn. I want to see colors again and feel emotions again. I need my ambition and drive revamped. I need self esteem. I don't want to be some jaded whiny little prick my entire life. I want to be wanted. I want to do something with my life and love every second of it. Please help.
2 AnswersMental Health1 decade agoDo atheists have a monopoly on rationality?
Seen here, Ricky Gervais states that he doesn't believe theists should have a monopoly on morality. I completely agree. I can be an asshole sometimes. I'm nowhere near perfectly moral. That being said, should atheists have a monopoly on rationality? Why can't there be good atheists and smart theists? It seems like a double standard to me. Discuss.
16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoBand Frontmen/Lead guitarists: Please answer this?
How many months/years of playing guitar did it take you to finally get comfortable enough to play and sing at the same time? I've been playing for about 6 months and I want to start wowing my parents.
1 AnswerRock and Pop1 decade agoWhy do nice guys finish last?
Define "nice guy" and tell in detail why they finish last.
9 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago