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  • Any ideas for Year 10 work experience?

    Hi - I'm in Year 10 in England, and this year we have to find placements for a week of work experience. My school is allowing us to approach any companies, as long as we can get ourselves to and from the workplace, and the company has all the right insurance.

    I'm really not sure what to apply for, because there are only a few places at local shops/supermarkets, and most people are applying for those. I'm particularly interested in Maths-based subjects, particularly Maths, Computing and Physics, but I also like Drama, Art and Geography. I don't really know what I want to do when I'm older, but probably something involving physics, maths, electronics, programming, graphics (I'm not sure what jobs apply those sorts of skills, though). Working in those fields isn't really a necessity for my work experience, though - I'm pretty happy to try other things out.

    People sometimes say I'd make a good teacher, but I'm not sure I'd want to help in a primary school, because I'm tall and kind of a klutz, so I'm worried I'd trip over the kids (forever tripping over Year 7/8s in corridors at school). I also get pretty bad hayfever in summer (when I'll be doing my placement), so garden centre/farming jobs wouldn't be very suitable for me.

    I live on the edge of a small-to-average-sized town, with a few supermarkets near by, and typical town-centre-ish things (shops, banks, cinema, pubs, cafes, post office, et cetera) in the town centre. There's also an industrial estate, plenty of farms and some local history museums within biking distance. There are a few villages in reasonably close by, but I've never really explored most of them, other than biking through.

    3 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education10 years ago