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  • What's the name of the horror movie that had any guy who ****** the main character literally disappear?

    Also there was a scene where the guy tells her to get out through the window of his old fashioned car cuz the door is locked, but as she gets half way out, he rolls up the window trapping her stuck in the window of the car. Then he rapes her and then he immediately disappears into thin air. 

    She has several guys bang her and each time they vanish into thin air immediately. I think it was a London/UK movie based on their accents if I remember correctly. I think it was a movie from 2001 - 2009 but I am not totally sure. 

    Note: It's not "It Follows" and it's  not "Under the Skin." I checked and watched those movies and those are not it. 

    Movies7 months ago
  • What's the name of this movie? I think I was watching this one movie with my American friend. At the time I thought it was called "Spiders."?

    It was about gigantic spiders. I think they were regular spiders turned into gigantic spiders, but I forgot.

    There was a black guy who was like a radio host or something and was afraid aliens were coming.

    When the spiders came he said something like, "I TOLD YOU aliens were coming!" And then someone (I think the main character) said, "Those are NOT ALIENS! Those are GIGANTIC Spiders!"

    #movies #spidermovies

    1 AnswerMovies2 years ago
  • Would u care if a guy touched the insides of the bra cup you're about to buy?

    A guy says he touched the insides of ur bra cups, so that when u put it on, it's kinda like him touching ur b00bs. Would this gross u out and make u not want to wear/buy it? Or would u not care since he's not ACTUALLY touching your b00bs? And he didn't actually get to feel them? Or would u just wash it first before u put it on?

    (credit: Beavis & Butthead)

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys2 years ago
  • Why do they keep remaking Jonathan Brandis movies??? Why can't they just let him have is legacy?

    Are they trying to erase Jonathan Brandis out of our memory completely? Are they trying to not let anyone remember him, so that he disappears/dies from heaven too? (see Coco for the reference)

    But first they remake "It" and now they are remaking "Pet Cemetery???" What's next, "The Never Ending Story???" And "Ladybugs???"

    5 AnswersMovies2 years ago
  • Should I even keep this friend? (she told me I whine too much after I told her I have a bad back)?

    This female friend of mine and me are supposed to go for lunch and then shopping and to the library in a day or two. She asked me today if we can also go on a walk that will take 10 minutes straight. I told her "I have a bad back and I don't want to go on a walk that long with my back hurting this bad."

    I can feel my back getting worse the more I strain it and the more I do with it. The doctor said the reason my back is bad is cuz I was sleeping on a broken bed for a year. (I sacrificed my bed problem to help my mom and dad pay for bills they didn't expect and or needed the help very much). Doctor said I needed to get a new bed as soon as possible.

    My friend then offered me $5 to go on the 10 minute walk straight. I told her it's not that i don't want to go, I don't want to hurt my back over it and I am trying to heal it and the more I do stuff, like bending, walking long periods, or lifting, the more my back hurts. And I told her having my back get even worse is definitely not worth $5. I'd rather have my back healed.

    And then my friend said, "You know what? You whine too much."

    I felt like she didn't care about me, didn't take any consideration to my health or my needs. (there's more to it for her to tell how she is, but I'll just stick to this particular scenario to keep this as short as possible without giving up important details)

    1 AnswerFriends2 years ago
  • Why is it OK for a woman to intentionally show cleavage, but a man cannot intentionally unzip his pants zipper?

    If a man wanted "to be sexy" and unzipped his pants zipper (but his prvts would not be shown), why is that unacceptable and people go to him and say, "your fly's open!" but if a girl wears a shirt with her buttons down showing cleavage, it's acceptable and no one tells her, "hey, you're cleavage is showing" telling her to button up?

    If you think I'm trolling here, then just consider this a free point for you.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • If you go to a gay bar, is that giving consent to everyone there of the same gender to go up to you and grab your nuts or privates?

    Like example if a guy goes to a gay bar, although he claims to be straight, by going to the gay bar KNOWING it's a gay bar, is he basically giving consent to another man who is there to just go up to him and grab his nuts? Would the "gay grabber" not be at fault because the straight man stepped on his turf that specifically states the place is for fags?

    And isn't the whole point of a gay bar for fags and lesbians to be in a "world where everyone is a fag and lesbian?" Thus it won't be weird or insulting if they assumed everyone there is gay?

    So my main question in short is, if a guy goes to a gay bar, is that in itself giving permission/consent for another guy to grab his nuts?

    My supposedly straight friend Rob got groped at a gay bar like this and felt gross and upset and I told him he should have expected that since he went to a gay bar. He got upset I said that to him, but I thought this was common sense. What do u guys think?

  • Does infected penis go away on its own? And what type of infection is this called?

    I stopped prone masturbation several days ago 'cuz I recently heard it was the cause of not being able to *** by hand or mouth. The very next day after stopped prone masturbation my penis felt very sensitive, so I thought, "yes! it's already super sensitive! I can probably fap NOW!" So I started fapping slowly and then stroked the bare head of my top penis. It hurt as it always does when I touch there, but I kept going cuz I was determined to make myself ***. I didn't. I stopped. Thought the pain would go away on it's own, but it didn't. So surely this is a form of non-contagious penis infection? What is the actual / medical name for it?

    I been drinking cranberry juice hoping it would cure my penis faster. It hurts still and been over 5 days. Will my penis heal on its own?

    I am a bit scared to go to the doctor especially when I already have high blood pressure that he really wants me to get down.

    3 AnswersMen's Health4 years ago
  • Do waitresses choose their own tables they serve? Or are they chosen for them? at Hooters & other restaurants.?

    Let's say there are 2 waitresses: Britney and Marie. Would Britney be assigned tables, 2,4, and 6 while Marie gets tables 1,3, and 5? Or would they choose their own tables to serve like. Can they choose to serve sum1 that just walked or are they assigned tables or certain sections? Just wondering. I only got same Hooters waitress twice. Just wondering how they decide which tables to serve.

    6 AnswersEntertaining4 years ago