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Favourite answers9%
  • Do I have a leg to stand on?

    I was promised 6 month ago by my employer that if I change departments, in July I d be given a full-time contract. July s here and they can t do it now apparently. Is it classed as a verbal contract and can I do anything about this? Thanks.

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics5 years ago
  • My friend wants me to go in October..?

    My friend wants me to go away in October and found 2 cheap holidays to ibiza and majorca, can anybody tell me which is the best or recommend somewhere better? I know the canaries would be ideal but it's still quite expensive then. We're in our 20's so whatevers the liveliest. Thanks :)

    5 AnswersIslas Baleares5 years ago
  • Has anybody else noticed Facebooks recent cover up of information?

    For example, skynews page, you'll click on the comments section, look at replies, it'll say 4 but show you 1? I don't think it's just because of bad language and stuff either as it showed me some comments before the quickly dissappeared.

    2 AnswersFacebook5 years ago
  • I was recently seeing someone new, not for a great length of time just a month.?

    I was recently seeing someone new, not for a great length of time just a month. I don't usually get attached to people that quick but I saw her practically every day and she's incredibly beautiful, out of my league lol. This morning I'm told she's had the best month ever, thinks about me all the time, misses me when I'm not there but is gonna give it another go with her ex.. The worst thing is I understand, they were together for 2 year, he's been like a dad to her child and they've only been apart a few month. I'm still gutted though and I'm not really sure what to think of it all??

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Did she cheat?

    Ok, my friend who s visiting at the moment from the midlands went out last night and I couldn t go because of work. I asked my best mate if he fancied it, he didn t and I asked my girlfriend and she did. They were out and I got a text that my mate changed his mind, it got to the end of the night and they shared a taxi. The next day i get a text from my girlfriend saying my mate invited her to his to stay over, he would sleep in the living room and give her his room. At this point I was thinking strange but at least she didn t go in, then she tells me she did go in, I questioned it and she swears blind nothing happened. I m not typically a jealous guy and she s never cheated that I know of, my best mate on the other hand can be a right ****. All i think at the moment is why would my girlfriend go in my best mates house who she doesn t know that well, drunk after a night out at 4 in the morning apparently for just half an hour, why drop my visiting friend off first in the taxi especially when they had to back track. Like I said she s not the type or usually a liar, he is and it just seems an odd time, place and circumstances for a half hour chat.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • need wireless connection help?!?! :(?

    right, can I connect xbox live through my laptop wirelessly? if so how? my laptop itself is connected to the internet via cable not wirelessness lol.

    thank you :)

    1 AnswerComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • xbox 360 and sky player?

    under payment details it asks for card details and expiry date, would this be the expiry date of my card or the subscription i'm buying?

    2 AnswersXbox1 decade ago
  • why do people say let leave afgahnistan and leave them to it as...?

    as if it has nothing to do with us what so ever, THEY BLEW UP A BUS AND TUBE STATIONS KILLING PEOPLE, THEY BLEW UP TWO MASSIVE BUILDINGS IN AMERICA FOR NO APPARANT REASON. thats the reason we're there and thats the reason we can't leave, how many good soldiers deaths would be in vein if we left now.

    i feel sorry for the veterans of vietnam of course but that was a fight i didn't agree with, it had nothing to do with american and resulted in losing anyway, fair enough americans think communists are bad or whatever but they weren't trying to turn or take over america, afgahn war is similar, we dont agree with their religion but for a reason, that reason being they killed us for no reason in the first place.

    7 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • what is the answer to afgahnistan?

    but a sensible answer that could actually happen and work

    9 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • i know nothing about?

    laptops, what should i look out for when looking for one? i only want it for the internet and maybe word, not that i use it much

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • ive never been so torn?

    ok i was going out with this girl for a while, i stupidly broke up with her over a year ago and lost lots of good friends because they were hers first, totally regreted what i did and i am head over heels for the girl. one of our previous mutual friends who happens to be her best friend has just invited me to come to a BBQ at her house and she said she thinks my ex is ok with it, as soon as i read the email i was really excited but confused because within the last year i have had little if not no contact with them, i was once beat up by my ex's mates but never the less i really want to go, thoughts anyone? thanks

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • does anybody know what genre this is?

    or what i could type in to find similar songs?

    does anybody know any similar sad type songs?

    Fyf Dangerfield - She's always a woman to me

    4 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • haha omg, please please just look?

    i was propper liking this song but just keep listenin to the whole thing haha, it's fairly sick but i still like it

    plan b

    1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade ago
  • who the **** are plan B? I love them do you?

    there one of the best sounding new bands ive heard in ages

    2 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • who are you voting for and why?

    whats the most important policy promised, who's it by and whys it important to you?

    i say vote joe

    9 AnswersElections1 decade ago