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Lv 5
jack asked in HealthMental Health · 2 decades ago

I suffer with depression.............Sometimes have good days, sometimes bad.?

If an argument or confrontational situation occurs, (I had a confrontation with a neighbour today) I tend to dwell on it. It keeps going over & over in my mind and I get more & more down. How can I stop this - help

18 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago
    Favourite answer

    I suffer with depression too. It helps if you see a psychiatrist and take a medication. Or if it is dysphoria or some other less severe type, I tried to occupy myself with other thoughts or even read a book, drink some tea or other relaxing things. I found it helps me to do some kind of physical activity when I start feeling down.

  • 2 decades ago

    First figure out why you can't seem to let things go. Is it anger? Are you angry over the whole thing? Or do you feel bad that you had a confrontation, guilty? Just know that we ALL have situations occur in our lives and we all have moments that we are not proud of but we are all human afterall. Try, try to let it go. Learn the lesson, accept the lesson and it will not repeat itself.

    I have also struggled with depression/anxiety and the book below has really helped me cope with life in general. I'm on my way up! Good Luck to you.

    Source(s): Seat of the Soul by Gary Zukav
  • 2 decades ago

    I struggled with this immensely. It was wrecking my life. I tell you the truth, one day I was at the end of my rope, and I walked into a church and said, "Can anyone here help me?" A pastor came and talked to me, and I don't remember what he said, but I walked out of there with a peace I had never known before. Since then whenever I start getting frustrated or angry, I ask God (seriously, I'm not making this up) to take away those feelings... and He does. I am not kidding. Sometimes I have to pray for a few minutes, but I think the key is giving the situation to God, and being willing to let go of it. And if you can't let go of it, ask God to help you let go of it. He is huge, and He can do anything, and I'm not kidding when I say He saved my life and my happiness.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Remember worrying about a situation doesn't change it. What you could do is confront the neighbor and try to reconcile the situation, if you can't do that for whatever reason. Trigger that anger into a positive, exercise or kick the scrap out of something, it always make me feel better.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    to live happily in this weird world, you have to adapt your mind to forget about a quarrel once it is done!!! also, dont make a mountain out of a mole hill. i mean a confrontation with a neighbor is a confrontation with a's not worth ruining your nerves for. when you dwell in sadness, you do nothin' but damaging your nervous please, think about your health first. after a fight with anyone, go and watch a sit-com or somethin'..enjoy, laugh and dance.. neither life nor people livin in it are worth damaging your health for..:)


  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    You may want to see a good hypnotherapist. Though s/he cannot prescribe or diagnose, s/he can help you to answer your own questions while in trance, by bypassing the critical conscious mind through hypnosis and working on the subconscious level.

  • 2 decades ago

    Stop dwelling on it and start thinking about other things. Keep happy thoughts and forget about your neighbor. He's more trouble than he's worth.

  • 2 decades ago

    A trick I use is "not to care" about what happens or anything it works when used correctly. Try it on something simple - spill some water on the carpet as a test.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Do you have any hobbies you like to do to distract you? If not, find things that interest you to take the edge off. Something that makes you happy, even if it's just looking up at the sky listening to your favorite music, sipping a glass of wine. Do something relaxing, and don't forget to love yourself every day.

    God bless.

  • 2 decades ago

    You gotta learn how to let things go. Everyone gets into arguments, everyone makes mistakes. Apologize where necessary, let it go and start over again.

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