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I need an awesome idea for a 7 yr old girl's birthday party!?

My daughter is turning 7 in several weeks (nothing like planning ahead). I'm planning on asking about 14 girls, the party needs to be indoors (the weather is too unpredictable in the fall) and I live in a suburb where the expectations are pretty high (so, no Chuck E Cheese, MCD Playland or that sort of thing). I don't want to get a magician, a juggler, rent ponies-let's keep this reasonable! I was hoping to spend around $150-$200 (less would be even better!). My daughter will be happy with pretty much anything, it's just her somewhat overprivileged "guests" that I'm concerned about. Any suggestions?

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    how about you have her a bratz bday if that doesnt work try princess you can get a royal crown at party city

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In my opinion, you should make take you daughter to a nice casual restaurant. Pick her up a nice trinket, and mabye afterwards treat her to the movies, and out for desert. That saves money and you get to spend some good quality time with your daughter.

    Have fun!

    Source(s): A good eatery: is olga;s
  • joey
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    How about a sleep over with pop corn, hot dogs, board games, puzzles, ghost stories things like that. LOL

  • 1 decade ago

    What is overpreviliged guests of your 7 year old daughter? thanks. anjum

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