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is dating at 16 ok?

well i am indian and i have a bf who is 17 and i am 16... is it ok to date guyz at 16 coz my parents treat me like a kiddo and i really dont like that. the guyloves me very much but my parents hate him terribly i love him too. is it right to lie to my parents abt him??

19 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    forget ur parents

    i made the mistake of listening to mine a few months ago

  • 1 decade ago

    No its not I am 24 not toooo far off from you. Let me tell you one thing. No 17 year odl boy loves you TRULLY loves you. You will give up too much to him that you will never get back and he will leave you broken. Your parents know that. My parents tried to tell me the same things. I made the decisions to sneak and trust me its not worth it. Why lie to the people who gave you life, food, shelter and pay for your *** to do half the stuff that you do??? That boy wont be there forever but your parents are there for life. At 16 sweety you really shouldnt worry about love, its not worth it. Wait till you graduate college. Then worry about a man! Trust your parents. Their love is unconditional and will forever be there.They only want to protect you from the horrible pains of life. ALSO if you are that immature that you have to "lie" about dating, you are not ready obviously.

  • 1 decade ago

    Go ahead and date the 17 years old, but just don't get into anything too serious and don't let him pressure you into anything either. As for your parents, if you let yourself give into your parents treatment of you then you may as well stay a child and not mature emotionally; you need to learn how to develop healthy personal relationships.

  • 1 decade ago

    ure indian- yeah i am too, u can date at 16, but especally with indian parents best to let em know- otherwise u won't go out for 2 mnths!!!!!

    date be careful and if the guy is fine then thats all that matters. i would say ure parents should know- have u asked em their opinion on dating??

  • 5 years ago

    howdy lion why are you sneaking in different's existence? ok, in case you tell her mum and dad what would desire to be the end result have you ever seen it? indexed under are a number of them a million. Their mum and dad would think of you're a jealous individual 2. Even they are able to ignore approximately you 3. they are able to quarrel with you & ask you to suggestions your guy or woman business enterprise 4. additionally that 40 12 months guy can quarrel with you and a super type of greater, no count if it incredibly is efficient then you definately can tell her mum and dad in any different case ignore it.

  • Amy
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    It really just depends. You have to go with what you think is best for you and rember that your parents are just there to help you and want the best for you. Most people have started dating in like 6th grade now, so its fine for 16 year olds. (If you get what I mean )

  • 1 decade ago

    I think you should just talk to your parents. You want to be mature about and tell them how you feel about him. I think it's ok for you to date at 16 as long as you keep your boundries and the guy has respect for you. The number one thing though is trust. Your parents have to trust you. You have to trust your parents that they have your best interest at heart. You have to trust your bf and he has to trust you. Talk it over. Good Luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    its not OK to lie (just don't say anything at all-lol) but, yep-its TOTALLY ok to date at 16!! then again you need to respect your parents wishes. maybe if you sit down wiht them and discuss why you want to date, who you want to date and how much you care for him. then maybe you can work out an agreement with them so you don't feel guilty about seeing someone you love!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, dating at 16 is OK.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Have your parents told you that you can't date? Maybe if your adult enough to talk to them about it perhaps they would see you as more adult than they though. Also lying won't help, it all comes out in the wash. If you really love him don't put that in jeopardy.

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