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Lv 5
jonti asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 1 decade ago

What are the most significant news stories of the year?

Yeah.. Saddam.... yeah World Cup.... yeah yeah yeah.... blah... blah...blah....

But what do you see as really important news and what significance does it have for the future?

Also what was your favourite sporting moment in a year largely bereft of glory?

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    chelsea are still cunts

    england suck at penalties

    portugese are cheating cunts

    italians are cheats and should be banned from internation football

    zidane is the only wc winner

    germany deserve respect for their team and hospitality

    americans still are idiots

  • 1 decade ago

    Depends on the country, here's a few:

    1) The death of President Ford

    2) Steve Irwin's death

    3) Britney Spears pictures - no panties & divorce filing

    4) The Duke Lacrosse case

    5) Typhoon Durian - The storm killed at least 720 in the Philippines.

    6) Saddam Hussein - executed

    7) Tom & Katie Cruise - having baby Suri Cruise

    8) Super Bowl - Pittsburgh Steelers defeats Seattle Seahawks

    9) The Aruba Case - missing Natalee Holloway

    10) Time's person of the year is "You"

  • 1 decade ago

    I think the poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko was really important. If a man can be poisoned so easily with radioactive polonium 210 on our shores, in our restaurants/hotels what else is going on that we don't hear about? What politics are involved, and what danger is Russia to us and the rest of the world if they truly did do the deed.

    My favourite sporting moment was turning off the telly in disgust at our horrendous performances... I had many such moments this year

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The most important news event of 2006 was my retirement on 20th November 2006. Hurrah!

    Source(s): Thinking allowed - pensioner.
  • 1 decade ago

    Ignore the celebrity news ... that doesn't last. I'd say it's to do with the Korean nuclear issue. That one is very worrying and has enormous consequences for the future. We should keek an eye on the Korean and Chinese news on this stuff.

  • Conway
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Deaths of the journalist's.

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