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Lv 5
SuzeY asked in TravelUnited StatesOrlando · 1 decade ago

Boat rides/eco-tours near Orlando?

We're going back to Wally World this summer and I'd like my kids (ages 7 & 5) to see that Florida is more than a theme park. I thought that a boat tour might be nice, but I was wondering if there are any within an hour or so of Orlando that aren't too cheesy and tourist-y, but would still hold the interest of young children.

Any thoughts from our Orlando, FL experts?

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    A-Awesome Airboat Rides

    Boggy Creek Airboat Rides

    Glades Adventures

    Old Fashioned Airboat Rides

    Osprey Eco Tours

    Rivership Romance

    Scenic Lake Tours

    TJ's Airboats

    Winter Park Scenic Boat Tour

    hope that helps!!

  • jehen
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    An Airboat Ride on the St. Johns is slice of the old florida. Lone Cabbage Fish Camp is about an hours East of Disney.

    Also, about an hour north on the lower St. Johns is Blue Springs State Park. There are river tours from there and the Springs are still a popular swimming hole.

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