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How can I preview a message header without opening the message?

Over the last week I have been getting suspicious messages, e.g. "you have an e-card greeting from a colleague," or "greetings from a friend." Clearly, I have no desire to open these messages (I've just deleted them straight away), but it seems as if that would be the only way for me to access their full headers to get the source e-mail address and the ISP address. Is there any way I can ge this info. without having to first open the message? The other interesting thing is that once deleted, unlike all the other deleted messages, these strange ones do not appear in my trash box.

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    The only way I know is open the message and look at Full Headers. This may or may not be Spam also. A friend or family or assosiate might have had their address book comprimised so beware.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, first off, i would open these if i were you, because they're not spam, there just cute little videos second when you delete these, they are gone for good, actually deleted, so they do not end up in you're trash can, you can never see them again

    Source(s): unknown
  • 7 years ago

    How to look at message headers?

  • 4 years ago

    Ted K- Please please can i speak to you.

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