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Lv 6
asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 1 decade ago

Al Gore jointly wins Nobel Prize?

Al Gore shares Nobel Prize for his campaign on climate change. See news article:

What do those people who slated him before now say about this? Do they think, bearing in mind some rather vitriolic opinions some people had then about Al Gore, that this de-values the Nobel Prize as a universal recognition for the service to mankind?

7 Answers

  • Bob
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    Note that Gore shares the Nobel with the IPCC. Together they deserve it, the IPCC for proving that global warming is real, and Gore for making that known to the world.

    Great website for unbiased scientific information on global warming:

  • 1 decade ago

    I was absolutely dumbfounded when I heard Al Gore won the Nobel Peace Prize ... I've actually met some of the people on the selection committee in Oslo when I was a visiting Doctoral Fellow at Universitet i Oslo (the University of Oslo), and my opinion of them has dramatically declined as a result. When I read the headline I just said "Hvad fan ...!!!" ('What the hell ...!!!!')

    Personally, I think Al Gore is a demagogue and a hypocrite. There are so many blatantly fallacious and erroneous aspects of 'An Inconvenient Truth' its not even funny. My personal favorite ... that the sea level will raise 12 meters ... thats just physically impossible. There is not enough water on Earth to make that happen, and he knows it (at least he should if he really is a scientist, and trained in research methodology). What he is really trying to do is scare people into joining his side ... there is little truth to many of the claims he makes.

    And, as a consumate evironmentalist, of course, Al Gore should be at the forefront of conservation and decreasing his 'carbon stamp.' The truth of the matter is Al Gore consumes almost five times more energy per year than the average American family. He also owns a couple SUV's, which he has admitted are not hybrids. Hypocritical ....? I think so.

    All my personal opinions aside ... does a man who makes a film on Global Warming (despite arguments regarding its soundness) deserve the Nobel Peace Prize? I find the entire correlation between what Al Gore has done and Global Peace a complete non sequitur. I can understand Jimmy Carter winning the Nobel Prize ... he did do a great deal of negotiating in peace conferences. And I can even understand Yasser Arafat winning the Nobel Prize (even though I totally disagree with it).

    What I guess I'm saying is ... the Nobel Peace Prize has lost all relevance ... it is almost completely politicized now, and to win the Nobel Peace Prize you don't even have to do anything that has anything to do with creating 'peace.'

  • 1 decade ago

    From "Lock-Box" & "Internet Inventor", to Nobel Prize winner...unbelievable. He's been propped up like a puppet on the knee of the liberal media...he's still the same old Al that we didn't elect president in 2000. Do you people really think he's worthy of all this praise? Man, we Americans are a gullible bunch.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    the nobel prize is meaningless and has been for years. Look at some of the people who've earned it . - Al Gore, Muta Maathai (for planting trees for god's sake), Jimmy Carter, Yasser Arafat (the terrorist), Kofi Annan (incompetent communist), Nelson Mandela (communist, terrorist), Muhannad Yunus ( a loan shark for poor people).

    I can go on and on. The prize has lost its meaning, and sometimes the winners arent' even people.

    And 99% of the time, the winners do nothing for peace and are in fact charletans, terrorists, or communists, or tree-huggers.

  • 1 decade ago

    there are, apparently, still scientific errors in his film so i dont know. he is only making people aware of the issue. As far as im aware everyone already knows about it. surely there must be some other individual more deserving.

    did he actually do all the research himself or is he jsut a spokesman.

  • 1 decade ago

    i thought the nobel peace prize was supposed to go to people who had done something truely life chaning, all he's done is make a film

    Unless im mistaken i dont think hes taht deserving

  • 1 decade ago

    LOL at the idiot who called Nelson Mandela a terrorist.

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