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Lv 6
asked in Society & CultureEtiquette · 1 decade ago

Why do some people insist on standing near the door on a bus/train?

...and get in the way of everyone else getting on and off the bus/train, even when there are lots of seats free?

I'd understand if they're only on for a short while (people who hop on buses for to get just to the next stop should really think about walking - but that's a different question), but most seem to just prefer to hog the the place and be absolutely thick skinned when people give them the evil eye.

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    I have the same issue on the tram. People do it because they are stupid and selfish a lot of the time. They cant be bothered to press through the crowds to sit out of the way and worry they wont be able to get off if they do. In the same way then then ***** like hell when other people want to get on and off.

    People in large groups are stupid. the amount oftimes I've had to shout at people trying to force their way onto a tram or train when theres about 30 people trying to get off still is silly. People.... let people off first, makes more room for you ;)

  • 1 decade ago

    Hate to say this, but I am one of those people.

    Why? Because I hate cramped conditions and being near the door makes me feel less claustrophobic. Also, as I have limited mobility and walk with a stick on occasions, I know I'll be able to get off the train or bus before the doors shut.

    Not everyone insists on standing near the door just to be selfish or annoying - sometimes there are good reasons for it, even if they aren't obvious.

  • 1 decade ago

    I dont often travel on public transport, but when I do I also stand near the door as I dont like sitting next to strangers and also I want to get off as soon as because the certain people who use the London underground dont smell too nice!! I feel quite ill and have to get off quickly.

  • dances
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    some people get very claustrophobic on trains and buses and they can only cope with standing near to the exit

    maybe you might view them differently now? They are not all being just annoying

  • 1 decade ago

    When it's busy it's a necessity to sometimes stand by the door.

    If it's not busy they may suffer from claustrophobia or have a fear of strangers perhaps?

    If they've got luggage also they'd be blocking the aisle with it if they didn't stand near the door.

    And you've already addressed the 'they're getting off soon' issue.

    I think it's ridiculous to suggest they're doing it deliberately to annoy people - it's also vain to assume they're giving you that much thought!! They're probably thinking of their own comfort and convenience.

    I agree it's irritating, but I highly doubt it's got anything to do with TRYING to be annoying!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think they belive all the horrible crimes will occur in the dreaded back of the bus !!! that s not true .the most vulnerable seat is actually right by the doors of the train or the bus -ie. snatch and run purses, jewlery .actually a person stands out more standing up looking all scared!

    Source(s): rider of chicago's CTA many years
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Its seems enedmisc , people aslo sr tand in doorways, supermarkry entrances , and women especia;llly wil talk and block the sidewalk . What is one expected to do high jump over them my tip to any gentleman is walk on the inside closer to the buildings therfore one of the inconsiderates that cant drop file will have to wak on the rioad not you , perhaps then they will learn decent mannners

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Eyewitness account. Gives the watcher the impression the news team is the best to watch because they are right there. Nervous bantering. They must read from the teleprompter, but when nothing's there to read they must cheerlead. Similar to any other live broadcast!

  • 1 decade ago

    theres like seats for them to sit but theres still like 10 people stand at the dooor and you cant get of the bus there just lazy to go futher up , even when they stand they dont go right up the bus

  • 1 decade ago

    because often they know that the bus will become so packed that wen they want to get off they will have to puch through a mass of people and would prefer to be near the door so that its easy to get off the bus.

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