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mary10 asked in TravelUnited StatesBoston · 1 decade ago

New York or Boston?

Going to the states for the first time for sightseeing and shopping, Which is the best New York or Boston ?

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    This is like asking cats or dogs, both are complete opposites, and have pros and cons to both, but the reality of it, is its all opinion, and your going to get a different answer from near every person on here in some way or another.

    For example, being born and breed a Bostonian, I could easily tell you Boston. It's a great city, with rich history and a small city feel. However that wouldn't be fair because I haven't spent nearly as much time in New York.

    However, first off what you should know when you say "New York" is that all of New York, is not New York City. So you are currently asking us to compare the city of Boston, to the state of New York?

    However, knowing people who commonly make the mistake, I will take it you're talking about New York City. New York City, is a sprwaling urban jungle. Filled with adventure and shops. It's easy to get lost with so much to do, howevr the most fun you will ever have being lost in a city =)

    If it is your first time visiting the states, you've probably heard more about New York City, so personally, I would recommend starting off small, by visintg Boston, then work your way to New York City.

    Good Luck & Happy Travels!

  • 1 decade ago

    New York. They are relatively close so you could take a short side trip to Boston depending on how much time you have. New York is kind of what you have seen on TV, movies...but you should see the real thing. Boston is similar to Dublin or a smaller London. Both have a lot of history and are full of tourist sites and things to do. New York is the best shopping, hands down.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm from Massachusetts, so Boston! NYC is a concrete jungle. There's nothing there except a million stores which all have the same overpriced things. The only thing worth seeing there is Ellis Island, but they have a security check line that is always a mile long. Every tourist spot in NYC has lines a mile long. Go to Boston, it's cleaner, prettier, and way more relaxed than NYC. The people are friendlier, and everything is better.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    New York, Boston a lot like London, so for something different go to NYC.

    have a great time!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Boston - and then drive into New Hampshire to shop, there's NO SALES TAX there!!

    NYC is just one of those places that you need to go to once in your life though! Which ever you choose, you'll have an amazing time!

  • 1 decade ago

    I would say to both - but since you are only going to one city then it has to be NYC. You can go to Boston on another trip to the USA if you take it.

    Good Luck!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    I really dislike NYC because it is too big, too crowded and just overall not my type of place to visit.

    Boston is a great city where everything is within walking distance, there are great places to shop - Newbury St. Fanuel hall, Copley and Prudential Malls to name a few and the food here is wonderful as well.

    Plus, it has a ton of history!

  • 1 decade ago

    East Sussex

  • 1 decade ago

    New York!!! i love it, i just keep going back, cant help it! Stay away from the Hotel Carter though.......... i still have nightmares about it.... what a dump!!!! xx

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sight-seeing and shopping? Has to be NYC.

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