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AJ asked in Home & GardenDo It Yourself (DIY) · 1 decade ago

A cheap and easy shed/playhouse?

I need a yard building to store a snowblower between uses, but I'm not really handy and I don't have a lot to spend. Most of the sheds I've looked at look fairly simple to assemble, but don't come with a floor, and the floor/foundation kits look like a nightmare. I've checked out some kids' outdoor playhouses online, but it's hard to tell if the doors are wide enough to get a snowblower through.

To complicate the situation, whatever I build is probably going to have to be moved summer of 2009 or 2010 -- there's a mostly-dead tree that will have to be cut down soon, and the shed will be right in the way.

The only other requirements I have are that the roof be sturdy enough to hold up a couple of feet of snow, and that the doors swing in or out -- doors on sliding tracks don't work well once the tracks fill up with ice. That, and it has to be cheap -- this is for my parents, and they won't accept it if it's too expensive.



I'm really looking for something prefab -- I'd like to be able to go over to their house and put it together in a day or two. I'm really only getting the shed for the snowblower, I'd prefer that it doesn't cost more than twice as much as what I'm keeping in it.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    Lifetime Products makes a terrific line of sheds that comes with a floor and is portable. They aren't terribly cheap, though. You may want to check them out anyway, because they're pretty nice buildings.

  • 5 years ago


    Source(s): Download 12000 Shed Plans :
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Soups/stews are easy and cheap, not to mention that you can get several meals out of a pot of soup. Also, you can roast a chicken(or any other meat) on Sunday and then use the rest of the meat in different meals for the rest of the week (salad/stir fry/soup/sandwiches). Beans are cheap, nutritious and again if you make a pot of them, you will have food for later in the week. Foods that can be used in multiple meals lower your costs and can be supplemented with different side dishes so you don't feel like you are eating the same thing all the time. Another idea is to make a big pan of lasagna or a casserole, break it up into individual portions and freeze what you don't want to eat right away. If you stock your freezer with something that you make each time, soon you will have plenty of quick cheap meals to choose from.

  • jeff w
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago


    search Google for a shed

    Source(s): personal experience
  • 6 years ago
  • 1 decade ago

    go to family handyman .com they have step by step plans & pictures for several nice simple sheds

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