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If a cousin doesn't share their important moments with you does that mean you're not close after all?

Is it wrong to distant yourself from the cousin (used to be really close keeping in touch and now not so much) in order to leave the bond alone for a bit and see if in the future you get the closeness again/there was actual closeness to begin with? Would you think it's weird your cousin used to tell you everything and then barely confided in you at all?

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    Yes,it would be kind of weird

    Maybe we would just have to spend a bit of bonding time together

  • 1 decade ago

    its kinda weird though..

    maybe ur cousin need someone 2 talk 2..

    spend more time wit ur cousins..

    maybe tat will help..

    Source(s): me : )
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