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How do you feel about Sir Fred Goodwin's pension plan? Do you think Gordan Brown can get it back as he claims?

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    The Government have vowed that he will not get the full pension and are prepared to change the law in order to do it.

    How this has come about right under the governments nose I really don't know, but I assume somebody just missed it and got us into this mess.

    Really, the threat of legislation is being used to back Sir fred into a corner so that he will relent and come to a compromise - I would be very surprised if legislation was made over this matter, it is in essence a negotiating stance made to show Sir Fred that he cannot win and will have to come to an agreement.

    I hope when they get his attention that he gets no more than the £20,000 he would have got before the bailout - after all the guy is only's hardly right he should be allowed to take a national bank to the cleaners and then retire on £639,000pa - after all folks, that £639,000pa comes from us the taxpayers now...(just a note for those that think he has been hard done by).

    I think he has been made into a scapegoat, but he has not really helped himself by insisting that the pension is fair.

    You can vote in a poll here:

    for how much you think he should be able to claim

  • Wamibo
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    If it is true that the present law means the elected UK government is really so unable to get this money back from him, and it seems at least on this issue the Conservatives, Labour and Lib-Dems are all in agreement, surely all that is needed is to rush a Bill through Parliament to change the Law. Or it could also be done if the Chancellor put a 99.9% windfall tax on the pensions of all former executives of banks now taken over by taxpayer. If Parliament passed such a Law the Judges in the High Court have then got to adhere to the Law? So we the taxpayer would then get back most of the money misappropriated by these crooks and hopefully Sir Fred find out what it means to have no income other than state pension like most other pensioners in the UK and perhaps have to find job cleaning toilets or something equally suited to his talents before he eventually dies and goes to Hell! .

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What we are witnessing here is political theatre at its very best.

    Gordon Incompetent Brown has been 'out witted' by a clever banker.

    All the melodrama and false political posturing by Gordon Brown will not get that money back.

    Any City of London tax and pensions adviser could have told him what was happening;But Brown and Myners through sheer incompetence fell into the trap and as always the British taxpayer has got to sort things out by paying 'through the nose'!

    How much longer have we;The British taxpayer got to put up with this incompetence?

  • 1 decade ago

    if it goes to court and unless damning evidence comes up against labour, which it probably will so I don't know why Gordan is pursuing this, than he wont keep it but the result would be more of public outrage rather than Gordan Brown, he's just trying to create a smoke screen because yes the bankers have and still are being greedy but its the governments fault for not properly overseeing the finance sector, which Gordan had been minister of pretty much for the best part of a decade. desperate days for him.

  • 1 decade ago

    The man was already on a salary of 4 million quid a year. Surely he could have put aside a few bob out of that?

    Unfortunately, I don't think there is a legal case against this greedy, arrogant ****-up merchant. He left his post before the government took over RBS and was "asked to leave" rather than sacked, so his pension rights were preserved.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would stop payment immediately and let him sue us. That is the right and noble thing to do even if the country loses! At least we tried and made some effort to recover 'some' losses.


    Unfortunately, whether we all like it or not, it would seem that the Banker (with a capital 'W') may have had it written in his contract. Therefore, it's very unlikely that we will be able to stop payment to the big tosser at his local pancake club. But, come the day of the revolution, he will very very sorry indeed.

  • 1 decade ago

    No there is no chance, The pension was in his contract a contract is a legal document,perhaps Gordon should concentrate his efforts on putting a stop to the criminal activities of MPs especially there expenses claims

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Too many leaders in the united kingdom have become so grasping and all seem to be competing to realize great ranges of earnings. the placement has substitute into completely immoral with extensive salaries, great bonus' and pension contributions that are open to accusations of deceit and fraud. i think that our flesh pressers have been milking the equipment for years and function set up his equipment in a manner which will enable them to play around expenses to supplement a reasonable point of undemanding earnings and to take pensions that are thoroughly out of line with their household initiatives and time spent in employment in Parliament. a thank you to end the grasping bosses in the own sector I do purely not understand yet i'm constructive we are in a position to end the grasping politicians for whom we are their paymasters. we choose a very self reliant evaluation of how our flesh pressers are paid which incorporate a evaluation of their pension arrangements and implementation of a lots fairer equipment of expenses repayment. incredibly you are able to desire to check the wages earned by applying some footballers ( in a techniques better than £80,000 each and every week with our finest bosses and politicians and you will delight in why every physique has substitute into so grasping.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Gordon Brown (or his accomplices) allowed his contract to stand as they pumped billions into his company, you can`t blame the guy really.

  • 1 decade ago

    I doubt it. Gordon Brown is just an idiot, instead of focusing on some trivial pension fund he should be concentrating on the more important things like calling a general election so we can kick him out!!

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