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how do i over come this fear?

insecurity, im a 23 year old young woman, and i get really insecure around men who show an interest in me, like i can chat flirt have a laugh with them in any situation and then put a man in front of me, who is intersted i just wanna run for the hills, a fear just comes over me, because of this i have never been in a relationship and its destroying me cos i know this is not normal, i cant live a life if i have this fear, what do u suggest i do or, how can i change my behaviour or way of thinking, i know my question might seem silly to some but i really need to sort this out or how else am i going to live a regular life?? please please suggest any tips of advice much appreciated thanks!!


ive been thinking this for a while and i reckon its cos my mom died when i was 8 and my father was left to raise it, a on/off recovering alcoholic, and even though i love my dad and 2 brothers i think this instilled in me never to trust men because dad was there for us 1 minute and then gone then next because as an alcoholic he just couldnt be there for me how i wanted him to be? does this make sense??

Update 2:

but he also died in 2 years ago,

Update 3:

thank u very much !!

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    You are not silly...

    Remain sociable but just (for a while) stop giving any man any feedback.

    Don't be rude or ignore, but imagine they don't fancy you and assume nothing will happen.

    Aftter a while you will feel more in control (say 3 months) and this will give you the confidence and breathing space to make good decisions as to where to go next ..........

    There is nothing wrong with you.

    Good luck ...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    you have to do what i did. i was just like that and i still am 99% of the time even with my bf. you need to know that life is meant to be lived by taking chances. picture are lying on your death you have any regrets? well, you are 23 and have your whole life ahead of you so just do what feels right and don't worry what will happen next. i promise that nothing bad will happen, and if a relationship doesn't work then move on and know you had some better times than you would have if you sat around refusing to even try. you don't even have to be in a relationship if you don't want to. maybe just screw around a few more years. do whatever feels right. a relationship is usually not permanent anyways. that is why it is called dating. you're moving from person to person and taking whatever experience you get from each person with you.

  • 1 decade ago

    Try to think of the men as friends first, then if it develops into something else, great! If not, you've just gained a friend! A good place to meet people is at parties. You are with your friends and there’s no pressure of one-on-one time.

    Good luck and try not to worry too much :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't know what to suggest.

    If a man likes you and shows he is interested take deep breathes and flirt with him. Show your interested. Go with the flow. You can do these things with friends so just act the same.

    If you can't, go and see a hypnotherapist. They help you overcome these fears!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You need to post a link to your question with your answers, not just say ''answer my last question'' because hardly nobody will bother to go all the way onto your page and onto your asked questions and blah

    Copy and paste the link to your answers.

    Anyway, to answer your question, you need to get more self esteem so that you feel more secure about yourself, how you do that is up to you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    your probably thinking omg someone likes me i better act as normal as i can so i don't make a bad impression and put them off. just relax and get chatting and act like yourself if they decide they don't like you then thats there loss just move on. if you make a fool out of yourself who cares we're only people at the end of the day, nobodys normal.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You need something to believe in. Something that will quell your fear of commitment, try using Worcestershire sauce regulary, don't under-estimate what the belief in the sauce can/will do.

  • 1 decade ago

    i know the feeling! best way is to act normal... easy said then! how about u become friends with them before having a relationship? this will allow u to b u!

    good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    What, specifically, is your fear????? Sit down, think, and write it down.

    Look at it from various perspectives - parents, bf, friends, etc. Is it rational? Reasonable? Irrational?? Why do you have it?

    Think it through.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Have you considered that you may be a lesbian? If not then it could be that you have a phobia of some kind. Your question is not silly, wish you well. Jack.

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