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What should one consider when preparing for university?

It's A-Level results day in the United Kingdom, so Cheers is curious to hear about some important issues that should be considered before leaving to go to university.

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    Dune is right - the financial matters/worries are the biggest. And somehow having to pay for your degree is another thing.

    I went to UNI for 8 years, and it is a huge burden when you have little or no money and you have to pay for those expensive books, and government supplements are not huge.

    However, another point is: The degree you have when you have finished. It takes a while to get, but in the end you have something in your hand for all your hard work.

    And you cannot do much without a degree these days.

    Plus - there is also the UNI life ... I personally loved it!

    I have a degree, and once I earn enough I have to pay the amount back, but if I am earning a lot of money, then that amount is worth it.

    There is also the personal growth and the people you meet along the way.

    I did it, and I do not regret it.

    Fair enough, there are always negativities, but I am glad I did it ... and to answer the question after the rambling on ...


    - financial burden and lack of finances during a dregree, budgeting comes in handy.

    - acommodation - if you can stay with friends/family, as you won't be able to afford a lot.

    - what you want to study - I think is important.

    - the people you will meet.

    - what you want to achieve once you have finished!

    - can you put in the time.

    Source(s): Personal View and experience.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The worst aspect of all and the most important....financing the years ahead.

    Whatever you have put aside will never be enough, and how much you owe when you have completed the course.

    If you are going 'off' to university, accommodation and all that accompanies.

    It is terrible that your future education is governed by the grubby matter of money.

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