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Rounding to the nearest thousand?

561 is between____and 1000 and is rounded to 1000.What is the blank? HELP


201 is between ____ and 1000 and is rounded to ______

Update 2:

Example: 9560 is between 9000 and 10,000 and is rounded to 10,000. It`s a grade 4 assignment, believe it or not.

Update 3:

0--1000? Does that sound right?

1 Answer

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    The point made here is that it is rounded up because it is closer to 1000 than any other number. I would say that this would apply to all numbers between 0 and 61. I would use 61 because your teacher probably would'nt give you an assignment to just plug in zeroes.

    the second part is very ambiguous. Following our same assumptions as before I would go with 201 being between 0 and 1000, and being rounded to zero because it is less than 500. I would say to use negative numbers, but that doesn't seem to be the point here.

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