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lost2day asked in Society & CultureEtiquette · 1 decade ago

How much do you dislike someone?

I have disliked someone to the point that I`ve never wanted to see them again. This was a family member. I know it`s time consuming to hate someone, but sometimes it`s best to avoid a person. Have you ever had this experience with a family member?I hate my sister in law. Do you hate someone so much that you can`t be in the same room with them for 5 minutes?


My sister in law is cruel. She compares my two kids all the time. She says my one kid is a trouble maker and a retard. She says I don`t know how to parent.

Update 2:

Of course her child is a star hockey player.......Some people have issues with their own insecurities and they have to put others down . It`s sad that she does this to her nephew.

Update 3:

And she has all these careers that she plans on fullfilling. She wants to be a nurse, lawyer, teacher, personal trainer.....She`s also obnoxious to be around. She lies, and denies that her mother is mentally challenged, ( she really is).

9 Answers

  • L A
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    I've disliked someone in my family enough that it came to a full on fist fight. I was young and dumb, I should have walked away, let them believe what they want. The entire family knew I was in the right, but my tempered youth got the best of me and I made the 'fight' a physical fight. After that, even though the family knew I was right they felt we were both wrong and it hurt my reputation in the eyes of the family. I have made my peace with those family members but it took a long time for my 'rep' to be accepting and positive.

    My suggestion is that if you have a dislike with someone, 'kill them with kindness' and do your best to take the High Road. If every time you walk out of the room or act in a negative way, the other members of your family are going to think of you this way. Be the more responsible one and maybe you can win your Sister-in-law over to your side, or at the very least, you family will be on your side. Best of luck.

  • BJB
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I've hated two people this way. One was my old boss, which was awkward to say the least, and the other was a girl I went to college with.

    Both of them were pathological liars, which I find the most unforgivable trait in anyone. To stand there and listen to them lie when they KNEW that I knew they were lying was a jaw-dropping experience. Total psychos!

    I left my job because of the boss, and when the girl and I were due to fly back to the UK from college I actually paid to change my flight so I wouldn't have to be on the same plane as her. After two years of being stuck in a dorm with her, I honestly thought I might kill her before we got home! I have seen her only twice in the 15 years since, but now we have a good email friendship! I have no desire to see her again EVER but quite like being an eFriend. Weird.

  • Red
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I've definitely disliked a particular in-law family member to the point that I cannot stand to be in the same room with him, and I will do just about anything to avoid having to be near him.

    I married my husband, not the in-laws ... so I don't feel that I should have to force myself to deal with that person unless absolutely necessary.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have a VERY strong hate for my sister in law! and I dislike my mother in law. Theyre both liars, snakes in the grass etc. Just bad people. I see red when I hear about them or see them.

  • Actually, yes there is. I have a 2nd cousin who is one of the most conceited people I have ever met. I don't know why because she has nothing going for her. I'm not jealous. We had an argument over e-mails a couple of years ago because she thought she can speak to me as if I was one of her friends (I'm older than her) and called each other names. I haven't spoken to her since and I haven't missed it. lol

  • 1 decade ago

    All I can tell you, is that I wrestle with this myself. I have been taught not to hate, but there is one person in this world that knows how to push my buttons. I am a Christian, but I am not perfect, I want to punch this person in the face every time I see him

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i don't know if i actually 'hate' anyone, but there are certain people i dislike so much i find it exhausting to spend 5 minutes with them. mostly it's people who are so snobby and elitist, all they talk about is how great they are and don't even listen to a thing you say. i try to avoid them as much as possible, but sometimes you have to suffer through it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes I have several cousins whom which I feel the same way about.

  • 1 decade ago

    don't know, i'm starting to hate u though

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