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Why hasn't one of the worst shows on television been canceled yet?

....yes, I'm talking about T0sh.0.

I know this question probably comes up 40 - 50 times a day, but I really have to know how such an unfunny, unimaginative, piece of garbage like that remains on the air!?

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    This might actually be under those so called "reality shows" at the bottom of the barrel.

    Tosh isn't really funny. I don't know if he has writers or not.

    If I was him I would at least hire some college intern as a writer, so to have someone to blame for the poor writing and unfunny jokes.

    True while its cheap to make it and affords them a lot of room to make more, why would they make any more than one?

  • 1 decade ago

    you are soooo right. unfortunately there are plenty mono-sylabic frat boys and pot-heads to keep the ratings up. it's not even a SHOW for gosh sakes! its clips off the internet! i think america is getting dumber...... great news for the most powerful country in the world, huh.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because it's extremely cheap to make.

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