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Alice S asked in SportsCycling · 1 decade ago

I nearly killed a cyclist today?

Country roads. Patchy fog, so lights were dipped and doing 45. Suddenly I have to slam on the anchors as 2 black shapes appeard in lights. Black hoodies. Jump bikes. No lights or reflectors. Nearly roadkill. Can we do something to bring this to peoples attention. There is this idea that lights are somehow GAY. I was thinking of a mass night ride from city centres around UK. What do you think?


Interesting responce WLE. But it's true. They are not the only ones. The other day I saw a cyclist on the same road, no lights, with a carrier bag on his bars. Regarding the other person who thinks lights are gay. That is still up on the forum if you want to contribute. Some of the people at MBR forum have sugested a seizure system to get the police to actually enforce the law that says lights should be fitted. Again, what do people think?

Update 2:

John, the more I talk about this on the forums, the more it apears that there is a notion among the BMXers that lights are "Gay". Dark hoodies are encouraged. This is OK for the skate park or well lit urban environment. But when you take this out onto the country roads..... It appears that there needs to be a re-marketing of lights to hit this market. Pehaps doing them in different colours or getting famous names to fit flashing lights to their bmx while performing stunts might help to achieve such a shift. Don't know. But lights need an image change for the bmxers, otherwise we will have more fatacs. As for the law in Oz. It is the law here. The police do not seem to want to enforce it.

10 Answers

  • pmt853
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    I nearly hit one about a week ago. He's riding hoodie up, smoking, all dark clothes, no lights (unless you count his cigarette) in the gutter, on the wrong side of the road, on a busy 4 lane city road, in drizzle, at about 7.15am. I was on the right side of the road so nearly hit him head on. I'm on a road bike with constant and flashing front lights, constant and flashing rear lights, day-glo Altura top. Guess what.... he shouts and swears his little head off at me. No wonder some drivers regard cyclists as idiots. Some of us are. Depressing, and in 50+ years I don't think I've ever seen the police enforce the basic and sensible safety laws.

    Very much doubt that a mass night ride would achieve anything - unless it woke the police up and they started to do this part of their job, which I doubt.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    As one who cycles (and drive too), I am often bemused when I meet cyclists who appear not to give a toss if they can be seen at all by other road users. They are completely clad in dark clothing, no lights, no safety vest, no helmet, no consideration. There should be some law against this. What it does to the nerves of other road users when there is a near miss is too serious to ignore.

  • 1 decade ago

    Personally I hate using lights at night as it doesn't help my vision significantly but with that sacriface I'll ride on safe well lit roads. Those kids in black hoodies on jump bikes are just being dumb kids who think they're invincible. If I ride somewhere where I needed lights then I will, cuz I wanna live! So yeah start night rides where you require lights in order to ride together. That sounds like a grand idea.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There are a lot of BMX and Fixed gear cyclists that think having lights are lame. They don't realize that is more for them to be seen then for them to see. They also think that you don''t need lights if there are street lights. Most states require lights that can be seen at 500 feet away. Reflectors are pretty much useless and will never replace a light.

  • Jon
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Cycling without lights at night makes no sense, except as a deliberate attempt to dissociate the rider from cycling and act as a display of loyalty to the car-cult. I presume these are not so much real cyclists as wannabe motorists who can't afford, or are too young for, cars, who do stupid thinks like riding without lights or on pavements deliberately to emphasise the point that they are messing about on bikes, treating them as toys, and do not regard them as real vehicles.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    They should do something with that Think! campaign. I ALWAYS have my lights on in the foggy mornings and when it's getting dark. They should do those shock adverts of a cyclist with no lights getting hit by a car or something. People who don't put their lights on are... stupid and put other people at risk. It is definitely something that should be brought to attention.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In Australia it is illegal to not have a helmet and illegal not to have a light in the dark.

    These people are idiots and you should do this mass ride to bring awareness.

    However, good lights are expensive. Mine costed me $275 for my road bike.

  • 1 decade ago

    i think he would have deserved it...maybe not death but a good fright!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i think your story sounds made up


  • 1 decade ago

    I laughed so much when I read the title!

    Yeah I agree we should either ban them or kill them, either or.

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