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Any tips/ advice on ways i can improve how do my child observations.?

One of my weaknesses is doing child observations, i know how important they are so id love to hear if any childcare workers out there has any strategies i could try. or any helpful tips.

Thanking you in advance!

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer


    The problem most practitioners have is they get wrapped up in the standards of EYFS and forget the child development side of their observation. Don't think about how many obs you need, what skills you haven't observed yet and how the observation looks, spellings, grammar etc what is important is what you get out of what you have observed the child doing. Here are some pointers;

    Don't go looking for a child to observe

    Don't set up an activity then observe

    Don't write a story you must write exactly what you see

    Make sure you have observation sheets in every area of your setting that way you can reach for a sheet as soon as you see a child doing something you want to observe i.e. interacting with peers, playing intensely, concentrating, sharing etc.

    The most important part is what you put for your observation. So always write exactly what you see don't say

    'J made a friend today' how did he make friends, did they talk, did they look at each other. You should put exactly what you are seeing eg 'J smiled at P reached over and passed car, P took car smiled at J'

    Do you see why this is so important you are missing such a lot of critical information which most practitioners do today.

    Don't forget to mark off all of what you have observed and create a good next step which will enable the child to develop the skills you have observed further.

    I hope this is helpful you can visit my blog where I will be updating posts with lots of information on everything to do with the EYFS it is still new so keep watching for updates. If you need any help feel free to email me using the email form or comments on my blog.

    My blog address:

    Happy observing and remember to have fun

  • 1 decade ago

    First, analyze your weaknesses. What do you need to improve? (You may need someone to advise you on that) Then design a form you can fill in while you're observing the class. If you have topics written down, you won't forget to include them in your observation. Also, try and get hold of models of good observations to see how they're done, and copy the format.

  • 1 decade ago

    Your own setting will have it's own procedures and methods for recording observations.

    the tricky thing as already mentioned is to keep it factual ( ie "he was riding on his trike and very happy" is not going to be right," He was smiling and waving as he rode past. He was pedalling with both feet" is getting there.

    The temptation as mentioned is to go down the narrative route. Avoid it!

    Another really good way to find out how to do good observations is to ask some of the other staff if you could look at their obs. Most of us like being flattered!

    If you don't know who to ask, ask the manager, they'll tell you whose work would be good to have a look at!

  • 1 decade ago

    I do my observations two different ways.... I carry a pad of sticky notes with me and notate on them what I have observed.

    The other way is I have made a 9X12 sheet form on both sides I have divided into six sections so from back and front I have 12 blocks. On each square I have written the childs name and then I have laminated this sheet. With a dry erase marker I jot down my notations.

    I could email you the form if you would like to see a copy.. PLEASE note in the subject are PRESCHOOL NOTATION FORM. Good luck

    Source(s): Years of teaching and help from ECKERS and NAYEC
  • 1 decade ago

    A voice recorder helps, depending on why you are observing. If you are taking notes, it helps to keep these categories in mind: Cognition, language, motor development, social and emotional development and what senses are being used.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You could improve your child observations by sitting in the back of a van with tinted glass, and using binoculars.

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