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Soft, splitting nails?

No matter what product I apply to my nails,it always causes them to split and peel. I have tried literally everything including rubbing in vitD. calcium and zinc by mouth. I've now decided to just keep them neat & a French polish but at times I'd just love to apply a set of falsies on a special occasion. Any advice appreciated

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    The same thing is happening to me. Nail polish and nail polish remover drys out nails, and causes it to peel. Stop painting them for a little bit. Apply Salley Hansen Hard as Nails - Nail hardener twice a day. They will be growing back in no time.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ok... here is what I dealt with. I bit my nails since I was a little kid and as soon as I was old enough to drive myself to the salon, I started having acrylic nails put on (consistently). My nails were so thin from biting them and then they were filing them even further to do the acrylics so they were in seriously bad shape. Peeling layers, easy breakage, and over all thin and unhealthy.

    My solution: I gave it a rest and stopped having my nails done! They needed time to strengthen back up in order to stop peeling and chipping. I kept them filed short and applied a thick layer of Sally Hansen Continuous Treatment Hardener on a regular basis. It has a nice little shine to it so it looked like clear polish. It took a solid year but now my nails are thicker, healthier, and growing faster than ever before. I get so many compliments because I always have a french manicure and it looks so much more natural and softer than fake nails. If you have a special occasion where you want to get acrylics... I suggest asking them to only file a little bit of your actual nail. They will tell you that they won't stay on as long, but to me it would be worth it to not destroy my nails!

    I have spent a fortune on trying products but the only thing I would suggest investing in is the hardener I mentioned and a good cuticle oil treatment. Other than that... it just takes time and treating them right. :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You can buy a special oil to put on your nails. Apply this several times a day to moisturise the nails and prevent them drying out. Alternatively, use a good hand moisturiser several times a day and especially each time after washing your hands and at bed time.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It might be your diet. Try to eat healthier foods and drink a lot of water. Also, only using glass nail files made my nails a lot stronger

  • meraz
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    * the final scientific care is to stay away from repeated wetting and drying of the nails. attempt to placed on cotton coated rubber gloves whilst appearing kinfolk chores that contain getting the palms moist. * Rub creams containing alpha-hydroxy acids jointly with Neostrata or lanolin containing creams jointly with Elon into the nails the two earlier and when you have the palms moist. * Watch people who've captivating nails. observe how they use their palms or finger pads to do trouble-free chores fairly than use their nails. by no skill dial a telephone with the nail assistance; use a pencil. Nails ought to by no skill be used as kit. Get in the habit of employing your arms as though they have moist polish on them. * in case you could’t stay away from trauma to the nail assistance, save the nails decrease short.Cutemol Treats Onychoschizia or Splitting of the Fingernails * continuously placed on gloves in the time of chilly climate and once you do chores which will traumatize the nail assistance. * by no skill peel or scrape off nail polish. * shape and report the nails with an extremely fantastic report and around the assistance in a comfortable curve. on a daily basis submitting of snags or irregularities facilitates to stay away from added breakage or splitting. by no skill use steel gadgets on the nail floor to push lower back the cuticle through fact this scrapes away the microscopic protective cells of the nail floor. * whilst (and if) the nails are "buffed," try this in an analogous course through fact the nail grows and not in a "lower back and forth" action through fact this would reason nail splitting. * Nail polish can shield the nail floor. the gorgeous lots on a daily basis application of a "superb coat" will save the nail assistance risk-free. Nail polishes with nylon fibers in them would upload capability and risk-free practices to fragile nails. Use nail polish remover as no longer often as attainable through fact it dries out the nails. * One learn has shown that biotin (a nutrition) 2.5 mg an afternoon taken via mouth is helpful. do no longer try this in case you're pregnant. * some sufferers are confident that one %. of Knox Gelatin mixed with orange juice and delivered via mouth on a daily basis will fix nails to a youthful state. there's no scientific records that helps using unflavored gelatin to bolster nails. * Taking colloidal minerals and a multivitamin on a daily basis has been shown to enhance the fee of nail enhance which in turn ends up in extra healthy nails.

  • 1 decade ago

    use clear nail varnish first to give addded strength

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