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Lv 5
Lor24 asked in PetsFish · 1 decade ago

How do i clear our murky fish tank?

Its been murky for about a week,we did have 2 fish die last week started getting a bit green after that,we changed some water and cleaned the filter at the weekend but its not got any better.filter was last changed about a fortnight ago.

We have mollies gouramis platties and 1 loach.

Would it help to get a gravel cleaner?



We've had the tank set up for about 2 months now.feed them once a day.clean the filter in tank water.have plastic plants.

7 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    You definitely need top vacuum the substrate while doing your weekly 25% water changes... You can think of it as flushing the toilet!

    Don't clean the filter the same day you change the water either. The beneficial bacteria live primarily in the sponge of your filter, if you use tap water to rinse it when you do clean it, you risk chlorine killing most of them. It won't need to be cleaned very often either. Same goes for the cartridge. I rinse mine with a little tank water after I clean it in the sink... After rinsing it I'll put some water conditioner directly onto the cartridge before returning it to the filter.

    Try to be careful not to over feed them as well.

    Source(s): fish enthusiast
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The stuff that lives on your rocks (if you have any) is essential in keeping your tank healthy. Beneficial bacteria digests fish waste (ammonia) and converts it into nitrites. Other bacteria converts nitrites into less harmful nitrates. This cycle tanks time to develop and if you keep changing it the bacteria cannot do their job. Be a bit more patient and it will develop. Feed a lot less food, and change 25% of the water weekly (use a gravel vacuum) and make sure the temp of the new water is the same as the tank. You don't want to destroy too many of the beneficial bacteria when you do a water change and changing too much water or having it at the wrong temp stresses them. Also, your filter media has a lot of the bacteria growing on it. Don't change it too often (and never at the same time as a water change). When it starts becoming clogged, rinse it out in cool tap water. Only change it when rinsing no longer is effective.

    Remember, without this bacteria, your tank cannot break down excess fish waste and food, making the water murky and polluted. It can take three weeks for your tank to clear up, but it will (if it doesn't, you are feeding way too much).

    Source(s): I found this on the internet, I do not own this video, I just found it -
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    How long have you had the tank set up?

    How often and how much do you feed your fish. If the tank is well established, one of the most common reasons is overfeeding, even if it doesnt seem like youre feeding them a lot at once.

    Other than that, I wonder what kind of substrate or gravel you're using and if you've rinsed the gravel thouroughly before putting it into the tank. Particles of dust or toxins stick to dry gravel and if not rinsed properly it can either clog youre filter or kill you're fish.

    Source(s): guppy breeder 2 years.
  • 1 decade ago

    Do you keep the filter on all of the time? Do you do it half of the day? How much do you feed the fish? If there are lots of floating fish food in the water after the fish eat, you might want to consider feeding less.

    Source(s): My Own Experience
  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    That all depends on why it's murky to begin with. More info would be helpful.

    How old is the tank?

    How much do you feed?

    what kind of filtration do you have?

    What kind of substrate do you use? And How did you put it in?

    Do you have live plants?


  • 1 decade ago

    It depends on what kind of fish but some fish needs very 3 days and some clean every weekend

    you need to wipe the tank with your hands or a cloth to wipe it off and rise it good with soap.

    then you putt clear water and make sure the water that fish is in is clean not putt the dirty water with the fish back in the fish tank. just take the dirty water out and putt back the fish.. i really hope this works.. becareful not to feed the fish lots of food. it will become fat and die.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This is amonia. I had this problem and I bought bio-clear and it worked.

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