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Lv 5

What's the cheapest route to take when returning to work after having a baby?

A nursery?childminder?or not returning to work at all?

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    Try checking with relatives first. Then local babysitters with good reputation and prices. There are many more than you may believe. Dont go nursery/daycare unless you have to

  • ?
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    In my opinion, not returning at all! My first is at school and my second is 6mths. I can only work school hours and nursery/childminder works out the same, if not more as my wages!

    If you can get help from child tax credits for childcare then it may be worth it. In my case I can't and my family all work full time now. I would also find it hard to trust anyone, you hear so many horror stories about nannies etc.

  • 10 years ago

    It depends entirely on how much you would make upon your return to work. You need to do the sums with nursery fees versus your pay, then pro rata your monthly income to work out what you would get if you worked, say, 3 days per week and then compare that with the nursery fees for 3 days per week. Excel spreadsheets are your friend!

  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    I assume your funds are stretched...They have programs like CAPS that supplement the cost of childcare and make it so you can choose any provider and the child go to daycare for a much smaller fee. If not, stay home, childcare is expensive if u have to pay for it.

  • 10 years ago

    your mom to watch the baby or someone you trust !never leave a baby with persons who you do not trust they can not speak for them selfs to tell you the problem

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