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panty liners frustration side leakage scrunched up?

I wear liners to protect my underwear from discharge the only problem is the discharge goes to the side of my underpants rather than centre of the liner. I got advice from Libra saying it depends on the type of underwear and type of liner used and the positioning but how can you tell the correct positioning, what's the best underwear to use?

2 Answers

  • 10 years ago

    just normal knickers/pants. i know they arnt sexy or anything but just the normal shape knicker are best as they arnt to wide.

    no thongs or girl boxers/ hot pants or anything like that.

    maybe you should try a new brand of panty liners if those ones arnt sticking to ur pants well enough.

  • 10 years ago

    The best underwear i find is breifs i think there called like these:

    and i use Always alldays pads, i find that shops own eg. boots don't stay still and move around

    hope this helps

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