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fictional character names for your child, inspired or idiotic?

(skip this part if you want)

We're expecting twins, one of each. We already knew if we had a boy we'd name him William after her father, but now we needed a girls name as well. After much flicking through baby books and asking online my nephew suggested the name Winry a name neither of us had ever heard, which my ex loved (shes into the whole naming kids after stupid traits you want them to grow up with, like Charity, but shes too 'original' to name her that, so likes the thought of having names that start with Will and Win). It was me who picked William for our son so I agreed to letting her name our daughter Winry. But after researching the name the only Information I've found on it is that is actually a fictional name, from an anime. The thought has put me off the name entirely, especially as its not something I know about. I have been assured the character isn't a prostitute or anything, so the name is, unfortunately, staying.


So anyway, my question is;

What are your thoughts on naming a child after a fictional character?

I imagine in five years time there will be many Renesmee's (sp?) and Hermione's and such, forever hating their parents for naming them after a lame character.


Winry is pronounced Win-Ree by the way.

Update 2:

I didnt mean I thought Hermione was lame, but say my daugther had frizzy hair and I had named her hermione? or I named her after someone really beautiful and she was a very plain girl. Things like that could make her hate us.

and Winry isnt my choice, I quite like it but I wouldnt have picked it.

Emily Temperance is a really lovely name.

7 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favourite answer


    Source(s): Transformers!!!!!
  • nora
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    I don't see anything wrong with taking a name from a work of fiction. We pick up names from everywhere else, so I don't see why we shouldn't be allowed to be inspired by fiction.

    The Harry Potter series has existed for nearly fifteen years now, and there aren't too many Hermiones out there yet. I doubt the world will suddenly be flooded by little Hermiones. On the subject of Hermione being a lame character I am going to have to strongly disagree, but I digress.

    Am I allowed to point out that Winry sounds like a masculine name? I think Winifred would be a much better choice for a girl.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I really think it depends on the popularity of the fiction. Twilight and Harry Potter are VERY VERY popular and known around the world. But, this anime probably isn't very popular, so no one will really have heard of it, and just think that Winry is a pretty name.

  • Jordan
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    Personally, I don't care for Winry, but I don't think there's anything wrong with finding inspiration from fictional characters. A lot of my favorite names comes from books, movies or TV shows I like. For example:

    Landon Blake is my favorite boy name. It's also the first and last name of a character in my favorite book series. I liked Landon and Blake separately before, but I paired them up after I fell in love with the books. I also love Holden, which I first heard in one of the same author's books.

    Alexandra Kathryn is one of my favorite girl names. I got it from Alexandra Eames on Law and Order: Criminal Intent and the actress who portrays her, Kathryn Erbe.

    Avonlea, the fictional town in Anne of Green Gables is on my guilty pleasure list. I also love Anne.

    Seeley, as in Seeley Booth from Bones is also on my GP list.

    Just because a fictional character has the name, doesn't mean they own it. I would avoid really recognizable ones though. I'd say find your inspiration there, but make it your own somehow.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I don't see anything wrong with naming your kid after a fictional character, just as long as it's not obvious. (Bella? Really?) After reading the Bones comment, it made me think of Bones herself, whose actual name is Temperance. It's actually a very pretty name and the actor who plays her is Emily Deschanel.

    -Emily Temperance as a name is beautiful. It's almost Alice in Wonderland like.

    (Alice is also another pretty name. My personal fave. And also a fictional character)

    So nothings wrong with naming your child after a fictional character- but something popular or strange could hurt the kid in the long run.

  • 6 years ago

    Winry is a character from the "very popular" anime and manga series called Fullmetal alchemist.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    Winry... it sounds stupid. haha.

    I think fictional names are usually stupid. The parents are cliche and it's like, what, you copied from a book. You're sooo unique.

    Name her Wren. <3

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