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Words that end in "...ful" that describes the sun?

Hi, I'm making a poem for somebody special and I've already got one word which is "beautiful" that describes the sun so I was wondering what other words that end in "...ful" can describe the sun?

Yes, this special person is like the sun to me, I see her everyday and she brightens my path without delay :)

Thank you for your ideas :)

6 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favourite answer

    Plentiful, for it is the abundance of undisturbed bright light you are describing.

    Also 'Bountiful'.

    Wonderful - from All Things Bright & Beautiful, it implies 'wise' too from the same lyric, while in this hymn, the sun is 'pleasant' & 'bright'.

    Powerful - it cannot be directly observed without incurring pain/damage - as if you are not worthy.

    Colourful - it's effects on earth's atmosphere create rainbows & parhelions, it is also because we are developed to use sight as our primary sense organ that we see phenomena like the Aurora, similarly photosynthesis is an evolutionary development exploiting the life-supporting properties with which the sun imbues our planet.

    Then again - it has to rhyme not end in the same three letters, what about e.g. 'exceptional'..., I used the word 'forgotten' in a line to a song and providing it is pronounced as if spelt 'forgotton' it rhymes with 'not on',!/...

    So, that expands the scope considerably, even a word like 'upheaval', that infers chaos, may be suited; "My worries asunder in upheaval" e.g.


  • 10 years ago

    Possible words ending in "ful":

    Wonderful, delightful, artful, graceful, powerful

    Just remember that poetry doesn't have to rhyme all the time, as long as you have metaphors in there it'l work as a love poem...possibly use the world doesn't come from the tongue easily but it hints at the power of attraction which exists between you and her...shows her its not just physical...hints at deep thought. Hopefully your poem isn't a seduction technique. Should be from the heart. And its a lot better if YOU can read it to her instead of her reading it for herself...

  • 10 years ago

    Beautiful. Eyeful. Wonderful. Healthful.

  • 10 years ago

    Wonderful? Delightful?

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Solar-ful :) (I like to make up words for which we don't have an accurate English variation. Solarful is pretty great :P)



    singeful :)

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago


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