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O-Tenshi asked in HealthMen's Health · 9 years ago

How many times a week would I have to shave?


I'm 16 and I've been growing this moustache for the past 7 months ( which I dislike, mainly because it makes me look too older) and I've decided enough is enough and that I'm going to start shaving.

So I wondering how many times a week on average would I have to shave?

Also note that the only thing I would be shaving is my moustache because that's where most my facial hair is.


Would it be best to buy a regular shaver or an electric shaver?

Thank you ^o^

3 Answers

  • shroud
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favourite answer

    every guy is different

    you at 16 my guess 2 times a week

    some have to shave everyday some even twice a day

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Hey, like you, I'm 16 and if you've been growing the same stache for 7 months then you sound like the kind of guy that only needs to shave once every week or week and a half.

    I prefer electro shavers because you don't need shave cream and you can't cut yourself.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Shave everyday if it makes you feel uncomfortable. There is no number how many times you ought to save. If you want to impress the ladies everyday you better save it everyday if you have a girlfriend don't stress too much, because your girl is happy and you are happpy too.

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