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Installed update for iPad2 now I can't watch YouTube through Safari?

I just installed an update for my iPad2 involving i0S 5.1. Now all I get when I want to watch YouTube through Safari is a blank screen with the following message: "Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available." It then tells me to click on a FAQ page about HTML5 video. I do this and it takes me to an HTML5 trial page. No matter if I am on the trial or not, I can't watch YouTube videos through Safari. I can watch them through the separate channel, but not Safari, and I need for certain uses to be able to flip back and forth quickly for video favorites on Safari.

On the HTML5 trial page it asks the question "What does my browser support?" It supports video tag and h. 264 but not WebM. When I look at the same page on my desktop computer it shows it supports all three. Is this the source of the problem?

How might this be fixed? Again, opting out of the trial doesn't change anything. This didn't happen before I updated the i0S 5.1 software.

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Why not just watch it on the app

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