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Lv 5
? asked in PetsRodents · 9 years ago

Could i ask the vets for Baytril?

Hey everyone,

So my rats have been sneezing for a while, the vet prescribed steroids and then when i went back because that didn't work she prescribed some antibiotics, but they have run out and made no difference for my ratties! :(

I know a lot of rat owners say Baytril is really helpful and so if i ask my vet, do you think they'll prescribe my rats Baytril? And how much do you think it would roughly cost?

I know you can buy it online but that seems a little risky to me.

I was also considering buying some Dr S Fight back, it's apparently very good at speeding up the healing process for poorly rats. Do any of you have any experience with it?

Please help, i'm sick of the vets i see not giving me anything usefull after spending £100's on medication!

Thanks guys

4 Answers

  • Sheena
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favourite answer

    if it's for a condition they've seen them for before, most vets are quite happy to re-prescribe without seeing them again.

    first of all, how long was the course of ABs? most vets don't give a long enough course, meaning you get long enough to temporarily releive symptoms, but the bacteria is still in their system when you stop, and they come back. try a longer course.

    Baytril is actually a pain in the backside. some vets, it's the only thing they're happy to give you. and it's better than nothing at all. there is some resistance to it though. if you can talk a vet into giving you Marbocyl instead, it's a similar antibiotic but it's not been used as long so there's less resistance.

    you can also ask for a combination of Baytril and Doxycycline. this is usually a very effective treatment for respiratory issues.

    it's worth getting the fightback, because when a rat is on antibiotics, you want to support their immune system as well as work on killing the bacteria. there's also an immune boosting fresh food mix on the Shunamite site, which I give my rats when they're not well.

    Baytril is usually inexpensive. under £10. can't remember how much Marbocyl usually costs me, but it's nothing especially noticeable. and Doxycycline, I had to buy a months worth of human tablets, and only needed a few for the treatment course, so it was more expensive, but even then, only about £14, and I've still got the rest of the packet if I need it for future in the long run that's really cheap.

  • 9 years ago

    What were the antibiotics that were previously prescribed and how long were your rats on them?

    Yes, you can most certainly ask the vet for Baytril, also known as Enrofloxacin. Some vets do not carry Baytril, but if you ask they may be willing to call the prescription into a pharmacy.

    Make sure to check out the Rat Guide's page on Baytril for dosage and usage information, the more educated you are on the subject the more likely your vet will be to listen to you. The Rat Guide pages list their sources at the bottom.

    If your vet refuses ask about Zithromax, also know as Azithromycin. It is a stronger antibiotic and works well for URIs.

    Either of those medicines can be given with Doxycycline if you aren't seeing results or another combination can be tried.

    If your vet will not listen to reason, it's time for a new vet.

    Make sure your rats are truly sick and not just having allergies. Anything scented can cause ratties to sneeze or anything dusty, like some beddings. Try and rule out any other possible causes just in case.

    Source(s): I've had a number of rats through sickness and health and have dealt with a number of URIs and stubborn vets. Like I mention and linked above The Rat Guide is a great resource and so are the knowledgeable members over on The Rat Shack.
  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    I would ask for both baytril and doxycycline. It seems when they have a more persistent infection, only using one doesn't totally get rid of it, they will still be sneezy and it comes back easily, with both it gets it pretty good.

    But baytril is the best antibiotic for myco infections, so definitely ask for it and try it out. There shouldn't be any reason she wouldn't give it to them. If not maybe you should see a different vet, it doesn't sound like yours is all that knowledgeable, I wouldn't prescribe steroids for a respiratory infection which is usually what rats have, allergies aren't so common, a rat experienced vet should know that much. And it sounds like they're overcharging you as well, I have paid a lot for appointments or procedures, but my meds are usually quite cheap from them unless its something special.

    I haven't had any experience with the supplement you're talking about, but even if it is a good product, it will not cure them on its own, and if they get effective antibiotics they should be all taken care of, so it doesn't seem like you would need it.

    As for the price of baytril, it shouldn't be much. The most I ever paid was $35 US for both baytril and doxy and that was for multiple rats at once. Although sometimes when I just get it for one or two of them it seems kind of like a rip off since they charge me almost the same amount even though I get way way less medicine, so now I usually ask for more just to have on hand since I'm already paying for it. But really it shouldn't be expensive at all.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I understand your concerns. If all other avenues have been exhausted I would go with what has been prescribed. Watch for any side effects and alert your veterinarian. I would think your veterinarian would not have suggested using Baytril if they thought anything else would work, but can't say for sure. I also wouldn't think they would be offended if you got a second opinion. This would be for your peace of mind as well as a new perspective on the problem you are having with your puppies. Personally, that is what I would do, is the second opinion. It can't hurt and may give you some more insight. Hope this helps.. Good luck

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