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Why can't I wear tights?

9 Answers

  • dougaa
    Lv 6
    8 years ago
    Favourite answer

    Although there's no good reason for it, the current convention in our society is that tights as an ordinary fashion choice are only for women. Men can wear tights in certain circumstances, where for practical reasons nothing else would work as well, such as ballet and sports. Also, men can wear tights for historical and other costumes. But while women can wear tights on a whim, men need some kind of excuse. But that's only if you want to follow convention. Men can wear tights as freely as women if they want to, and don't care about how guys are expected to dress. Not everyone may approve, but it's very unusual for it to actually be a problem. I and other men wear tights under shorts as ordinary street clothes, with no problems at all, just an occasional stare or harmless comment. So I'd say to go for it if that's what you want to do.

  • 6 years ago

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    Why can't I wear tights?

    Source(s): 39 wear tights:
  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    You can wear what you like as long as you understand people will react to you in weird ways if you're a boy in tights that can be seen. Be yourself, understand the world, change the world.

  • 8 years ago

    Depends on which tights you are talking about.

    Spandex Leggings - yes. Seen heaps of dudes in sports pull off this look. From compression leggings, to regular running tights. But I recommend wearing a long top over your junk.

    Hosiery - yes men wear the compression hosiery as prescribed by their doctor to help with varicose veins. Normally worn under jeans or shorts as they are generally see through for obvious reasons.

    Ignore the typical bigot comments of one being gay to wear tights. Tights are not gender specific, and never have been nor are they sexually orientated towards either gender. If these careless ones would research, they would realize that it was men who created tights to be worn for men by men in the 1600s for warmth while outside on their horses. These days women have taken the tights wearing to a different level, but that doesn't mean men cannot wear tights as long as its done with modesty in mind and not with a view to exhibitionism. Not all people are open to the idea of guys in tights even in sports, so prepare for some ignorant looks and comments from passersby.

    Source(s): Thumbing my answer down is proof you are ignorant to the facts.
  • 8 years ago

    Well sure you can wear them you can wear what you want but just remember that pepoul may say nasty comments and act mean towards ya but if your gay they'll understand tho :) !!

    Source(s): Ano
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    If you're a transvestite, you can.

  • 8 years ago

    your getting the wrong size

    your not drying well enough after the shower

    remember "practice makes perfect"

  • 8 years ago

    If you are straight: It can really highlight your junk. and mostly girls where them

    gay: you can wear them

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    do what u want

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