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Can 3.5mm Stereo Jack male transmit video and audio signal?

I have in my dvd player one AV oulet for3.5mm Stereo Jack male and I want know if it can send video signal

3 Answers

  • Nick T
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favourite answer

    if it says its an av output rather than just audio then yes.

    Depending upon make it will either be mono sound plus video on a standard stereo style jack (older cheaper makes not found very often now)

    or stereo sound + video on a 3 ring/connector jack like this

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Normally on DVD players the sound is separate from the video (yellow phono or 4 pin mini DIN(SV-HS) (older) or HD MI. Jack sockets may be found on smaller cased mobile players which from the camera recorder leads sold by Maplin Electronics may feature a combined jack socket (4 way) or a mono only sound output that is combined with the video.

  • AL M
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Yes. You can also find similar output jacks on small video cameras.

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